Chapter Four

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Chapter Four / Sydney

- Three years later -

"One peppermint chocolate coffee, please?" I asked the barista. She took my money and left to make my order. I waited by the counter, politely smiling at the rest of the customers who look my way every now and then. The young girl handed me my drink and I took a seat at a small table by the front window.

I watched as people came and went out of stores and cars drove by. I watched intensely at the beautiful sight in front of my eyes. I had lived here for about a year and I still find something new to explore every day.

Oh, let me back track my life up to this point. When Niall left for X Factor, I had become this quiet friendless girl who people pitied.

Why did they feel sad for me?

Well, I was no longer known as Niall's BestFriend, I was known as the girl who once knew THE Niall Horan. The girls who never even gave me and Niall a second look, were now asking if I could get his autograph or his number. I always declined because his life was no longer my business. Seeing as how he left me for a different, more better life.

Anywhore, back to him leaving. I kept my distance from the outside world. I actually turned to self harm, again, and when Clara found out, she about died.

Literally, I gave her a heart attack.

It was quite comical if you asked me. She like grabbed my arm and started to lecture me and then she started to hyperventilate and then bam. She just passed out. She stayed in the hospital for like a week and then came back home to keep making my life more miserable. So when I popped the question if I could move to London- lets just say two heart attacks in one month is not good.

Once she got out of the hospital, again, I had my stuff packed and a ticket in my hand. I didn't have much. A suitcase that held some clothes, some jewelry and the money I had saved up from being a Lifeguard at the country clubs pool and the minor job I had at an art studio. I had sold about five paintings before word had gone around that her beloved daughter was taking interest in something else than focusing on a law degree.

HA. Me? A lawyer? Those words just don't fit into the same sentence. I wanted to do something with my life that actually made ME happy for once. Not having to please anybody. The day she got out of the hospital was also my eighteenth birthday, I was now legal to be the free adult I was. She kept trying to keep me locked up but I stepped out of that house, to never return, that day. I took a flight from Ireland to England and found a flyer on a coffee shop board that held the address of a medium sized apartment in London. I called and snatched up the available room.

There was already somebody living in it and they needed a roommate. Kinda creepy right?! That's what I thought until I actually met the guy. Yes, it was a guy. Drew, is the guy. Lets just say, Drew's a very different kind of guy. In other words, he's like the gayest guy I know. Hell, the only gay guy I know. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything wrong with gay people. That's very evident seeing as how he's practically my best friend now. So, I moved in that day and we instantly hit it off. I've lived in London with Drew for a year now and I couldn't ask for a better life.

There are so many things I have learned. Like, if you have an Irish accent, British guys will hit on you because they find that incredibly hot. Caviar isn't what I thought it was; thank you Drew for forcing me to eat it. Not all British people say 'Love' or 'Top of the morning', it was something that I had googled before I moved. To kind of get a feel of the place, instead they say very perverted stuff. Mostly guys, but I'm not going to lie; I've had some girls hit on me in a club. All thanks to Drew and his insisting that we go to a club and then when we got there- it was a gay club. He was all for it, me on the other hand; I couldn't wait to leave and get in my pjs and tweet the shit out of Ed Sheeran. Ah, yes. Ed is a musical god. He sings to my soul. He'd be the only ginger I'd date.

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