Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve / Sydney

"What would you like to eat my love?" Louis asked, walking over to the fridge. I was feeling something with rice.

"Something Chinese!" I said sitting on the barstool. Louis tapped his chin whilst I laughed at his expression. He's always such an odd one.

"Hareeeh!" Louis yelled through the flat. Wow, that guys got a voice on him. Harry came jogging around the corner.

"Your girly friend here, wants Chinese food!" Louis said laughing. Harry made his way to the cupboards and got out ingredients I've never worked with. Mainly because Drew does all the cooking or we just get take out. Louis left the room to do who knows what, and Harry started cooking.

"Whatcha cookin, good lookin?" I joked. Harry flipped his hair and I let out a giggle. "If you must know, in making stir fry!" He had a slight chuckle at the end. "Never made it!" I said playing with the hair that fell out of my bun. "What have you made?!" Harry stopped what he was doing to turn and look at me. I thought about it for a few mere seconds. "Umm, cereal, waffles, Mac and cheese, and toast! Oh and I made Drew an omelette last week!" I said, suddenly feeling ashamed of my terrible cooking skills. "Wow, I would be a terrible wife!" I laughed at myself. "No!" Harry said sarcastically.

"Come help me!" Harry came around the bar and dragged me off the stool. "But I'll burn down the whole place!" I laughed, trying to pull on the counter so he couldn't bring me near the stove. "No, you won't!" Harry laughed. I turned and looked at him. "Okay, you might!" He said. I nodded and giggled. "God, I love your laugh." Harry's deep voice whispered in my ear. Maybe the saying is true, 'If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen' because I ran out of that kitchen like I was running a marathon. Harry was making me hot and that was not good. I'm not sure how to feel but I know what I did was not the right thing, but I panicked. I slumped down on the couch and closed my eyes. I never realized just how tired I was until now. Just as I was slipping off into dream world, the couch dipped in, bringing me back to reality.

I looked next to me and saw blonde hair.

Oh, it's just Niall.


I jumped up and widened my eyes, yup, it was him. He looked a little scared, probably from my sudden jump. "You okay there?" His accent rang through my ears like music. I've been missing his voice. I nodded and he laughed. I missed that too. "How was your day?" I asked, sitting up. He turned my direction and smiled. No, don't smile. I felt a smile forming on my face.

Why does his smile have to be so contagious?

"It was fun! I hung out with Audrey-" That was when I stopped listening. I felt that lump in my throat rise and I knew it wouldn't go away for a while.

"Sydney?!" Niall waved his hands in front of my face.


"Do you want to?!" Niall asked. I'm not sure what he had asked before, but ill just nod like I know.

"Great! Ill tell Audrey!" He said getting up. I quickly grabbed his arm and brought him back down.

"Tell her what?" I said through gritted teeth.

"That you and Harry will go to dinner with us tomorrow?" Niall said, the statement coming out more like a question. I nodded my head and he got back up and left.


What did I just get myself- and Harry into?


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