Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One / Niall

A bright light instantly blinded me when my eyes first opened. I blinked a few times before they could get adjusted. I stared up at the white ceiling and slowly closed my eyes back. I can practically feel my heartbeat in my head. I must've drunken a load last night. There was a full body warmth I had going so I must be wrapped in covers in my bed. Why the light was shining so bright when I usually keep my shades closed, I don't know? But I could care less. I'm warm, sleepy and comfortable. A lovely scent filed my senses and my forehead absentmindedly scrunched in confusion. I cracked one eye and let it adjust to the light, once again, before opening the other.

Something -rather someone- on top of me moved and a light hand was placed on my chest, laying so effortless and delicate. I bent my neck a little to get a look at the girl with brown hair. I saw the face of a oh-so-beautiful girl I've known since she was knee height.

I nudged her a little but she didn't move again. I pulled my hand out from my side and placed it on top of hers, warming the small, cold body part. Her fingers instantly curled around mine and I could feel as the temperature started to go up in her little fingers. She titled her head upwards, it now laying in the middle of my chest, just below her hand. Her long, dark lashes curl up while her eye lids stay closed. She must be dreaming.

Hell, I must be dreaming.

Seeing as how I have no clue how I got here and how she's trusted me to fall asleep with.

If this is a dream, I never want to leave it.

A bittersweet dream.

I close my eyes, letting the thoughts clear and letting my eyes roll back.

If this love only exists in my dreams, don't wake me up.

Chris Brown has never been more dead, straight right.

Little videos play in my head like memories but not such.

They weren't dreams, just play-by-plays.

Images of Sydney play around with my mind.

Fifth grade plays by and it was Valentines Day. There were cut out hearts scattered around the class room. Our desks pushed to one side of the room, being used as counters for the various foods everybody had brought. Home-made boxes hung down from the white board. Everybody had a box, for others to slip their little cards into the slit. At the end of the day we would all go home and look at all the valentines. Sydney and I are sitting on the playground in our subdivision when we counted down.

"One, two," She looked up with anticipation and I nodded. "Three!" She opened her top and I did also. My eyes lit up at all the cards and candy I had. I dug around through them and found FunDip. Before I tore into it, I looked over at Sydney. Her face was lowered and she stared down into her box. She must've been so amazed by all the cards and candy too.

I leaned over to look down into her box, only to see a broken sucker and two cards. One being my card that I made for her. The other was the one Ms. Robins gave each kid. The lollipop was probably just placed in there because who wants a broken sucker? ...nobody.

"Where's all your valentines?" I asked, stupidly. She looked up, her eyes glazing over with forming tears. Was she going to cry? I've never seen her cry. All the years I've known her she hasn't cried once; at least not in front of me.

"I don't have any." She looked back into the box and shoved it away from her. She slid down the closest slide and ran through the park. I watched as she ran down our road and into her yard. She swung open her back gate and never came back out. I sat at the jungle gym for a few minutes, hoping she'd come back but she never did. I closed up both boxes and made my way over to my house. I sat the boxes down on my front steps and ran down to her house, which was about three or four houses away. I only saw Clara's Mercedes in the drive way but there was no sign of her outside. She must be looking at new ways to change the house, a thing she does every month. I opened the heavy black metal gate to their back yard and closed it back once I was inside.

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