Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight / Sydney

"Want another break?!" I yelled out at Harry and Niall from across the field. They've already had ten breaks in the last hour and a half we've played football (soccer). They kept coming together for "A better game plan" but as I overheard them, every single time, it was just them saying "We have to take her down! No girl will beat us! Because we are men and we rule!"

HAHAHAHAHA. No. That's exactly why I'm winning even though there's two of them and one of me.

Also, I'm a girl.

So they can suck it.

Both the guys shot glares at me and I let out a evil laugh. "You think you guys are really going to win?" I asked. The score was- lets just say that I'm crushing them. By a lot..

"We can still win this!" Niall shouted out to me. "No we can't." Harry said to Niall, I giggled at his supposed-to-be whisper. Niall elbowed Harry in the ribs and sighed, letting out a loud grunt after. "Fine! You win! Happy?!" Niall yelled out in surrender. I nodded and started walking to them, singing.

"I am the champion! You and you are the losers because I am the champ-" I got cut off by Harry tackling me and roaming his hands all over my sides. "No! D-don't be a s-sore loser!" I yelled out. Harry kept tickling me and I looked up to Niall for support. "Niall?!" I reached out to him but he held a smirk, saying that this is what I deserved. "Ni, please?" I used the puppy dog eyes but I knew that he already melted when I used his old nickname. It felt so.. Good coming out of my mouth. I hadn't said it in so long and it just slipped right off of my tongue.

"Alright, I think she's had enough!" He tapped Harry's shoulder and Harry finally stopped. "Thank god!" I said grasping onto Niall's hands as he lifted me up. I brushed the grass of my shorts and frowned when I saw brown dirt marks on my white shorts.

Damn Harry.

"What time is it?" I asked Harry and he looked at his watch. "Three thirty-eight!" He replied. I nodded and walked over to the bench where I had left my keys, wallet, and phone. "Do you guys have any other plans for today?" I wondered. "Nope, besides your show at seven!" Harry said. "What show?!" Niall asked. "I told you this morning, there's an art show we're going to!"

"I didn't know you were talking about her!"

"How was I supposed to know?"

"You could've been like 'Oh Niall, your best friend is in London and we're going to her art show tonight, is that okay with you?'" Niall pointed out, both of them acting like I wasn't even around them. I stood there while they both argued with each other before I finally spoke up. "Hey, guys? I'm right here?!" I pointed out, waving my hands around. They both stuck up their pointer finger.

I know that they did not just tell ME to hold on.

I slowly backed away from them, without being noticed, shocker.. I got about half way back to the restaurant before they called out to me. "Where are you going?" Harry asked jogging over to me, Niall following. "Well, you guys were bickering like an old married couple!" I crossed my arms and watched them nod their heads. "Anyway, I think that maybe I'll just go back home and I'll see you guys at the show tonight?" I said rocking back and forth. "Sounds like a plan." Harry brought me into a hug and kissed my temple, showing me one of his famous dimpled smile. "I'll see you later LoveBug!" Niall said, hugging me and kissing my forehead. I froze in my spot. LoveBug.. That was a nickname he gave me when we were nine.

One day when we were at the park swinging, a whole bunch of love bugs attracted to me and Niall thought it was just so hilarious. But, he's never really called me that since..

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