Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven / Sydney

"I hope you guys like Chinese!" I said, making my way out of my bedroom. I put my belt on the last notch and looked up to see Harry and Niall staring my way.

"What?" I asked, wondering if I had done something wrong.

"You look-" Niall started but Harry finished, "Beautiful." I felt my cheeks heat up and I lowered my head. "Thanks, guys." I said playing with the hem of my shirt. I couldn't have looked that good. I know that because I could barely even find a pair of clean shorts. Once I found a white lace pair I threw those on and slipped on a black shirt that hung low in the back and tucked the front in my shorts. Finished off with a belt and some black vans. I kept my hair down that was still semi-curly and put some eyeliner and mascara on. Nothing too much.

"Shall we go?" I asked grabbing my phone, keys and wallet. They both nodded and made their way out the door, me being last to lock it. "Do you want me to drive?" Niall asked and I shook my head. "No need for that. We can walk there, it's not too far." I said, earning nods from them both. All this nodding was really creeping me out. Niall was always one for a good conversation and Harry, I've known him for almost a week now and he usually called me or texted everyday; if not coming to see me. Maybe, their both feeling the weirdness in the air like I was. Come and tell me when you wouldn't be feeling awkward around your ex-BestFriend and your newest.. Flame? I'm not even sure what Harry is to me just yet.

Yeah, I have some feelings towards him. He's sweet, caring, funny and not to mention, incredibly hot.

"So where are we going?" Harry asked as I turned down a long alley. "You'll see!" I said turning around and smiling. "Come on!" I said, motioning them both to keep following me. I got to the end of the alley and they looked scared as hell. "Is this where you take your victims and rape them?" Niall joked. "You'd only wish." I replied with a devilish smirk. I opened the door next to me and walked in, not being followed anymore. Where are those idiots? I opened the door again and they had weird looks on their faces.

"You guys coming or what?" I asked and they both walked through the door. I guided them through the back of a kitchen. The workers not even giving me a second look, knowing me to come in this way already. I walked through the kitchen door and into the dining part of the restaurant.

"Sydney!" Joey yelled out to me. I walked into his arms and pulled back after a good hug. "I see you still haven't learned that we have a front door!" Joey joked. "Of course I know you have a front door JoJo! I just feel more at peace with going through the back like robber!" I said sarcastically, earning a chuckle from him. I look over to Harry and Niall.

"Joey this is Niall and Harry, guys this is Joey!" I say motioning them to each other. They all shook hands. "Joey is the owner of this wonderful place! He makes the best shrimp fried rice!" I say practically tasting the delicious food in my mouth. They both nod and I just want to smack them in the back of the head. You guys have mouths, use them for something!

"Come by the usual table in like five minutes!" I say to Joey and he nods and walks back to the counter.

"Come!" I wave to the guys and lead them to a table in the front. The view from the table is beautiful. Just across the small restaurant is this bridge and at night the lights shine so bright. It's really a sight to see. But, nothing can compare to seeing the Eiffel Tower. Drew made me-not that i would've denied it-go on a trip with him to Paris and we got to see it. I still haven't seen the London Eye but I'm waiting for the perfect time. I'm a very adventurous person, so I'm always finding new things to see. Just yesterday, I found this little aquarium place and I about died when I saw the penguins. Drew had to pin me down when I tried to touch one. Apparently, you're not allowed to touch them. Party poopers. I looked out the window and saw a small park.

I noted in my head to go there later.

I looked over at Harry and Niall who were in a conversation. "I still can't believe you didn't tell me." Niall said to Harry a little harshly. "How was I supposed to know?" Harry questioned. "Maybe you could have been like I'm going on a date with your bestf-" I cut Niall off.

"What're you guys talking about?"

"Nothing." They both said in unison.

"Okay then.. How's everything going with the band?" I asked.

"We're on vacation right now!" Harry said.

"We're each staying here for about three months but then going home to see our families!" Niall said. "I can't wait to see my mum!" Harry said. "Me too! And Greg just had a baby!" Niall said. My head kept switching from Niall to Harry and back. Keeping up with their comments. "Oh yeah, I saw a picture on twitter!" "He's going to be such a cutie when he gets older!" "Gemma's probably going to freak when she sees me!"

"You should come with me." Niall spoke, taking my attention from Harry. "W-what?" I asked a little dumbfounded. "To Ireland. You could see my mum!" Niall said.

"Um, that's probably not the best thing to do Niall." I said quietly.

"Why not?"

"I left for a reason." I said sternly. He nodded at my answer. After a little quietness, Joey showed up and we all ordered. Once the food came we ate and stayed put for a little bit.

"That was really good!" Harry said finishing off his egg drop soup.

"Yeah, who knew this little place made such great food!" Niall said and I laughed, looking down at all his empty dishes. Three plates and two bowls. He always did have a big appetite.

"Hope you guys aren't too full because," I said standing up. "We're playing some soccer!" I finished. They both had big eyes.

"What?" Harry said. "I just ate so much Chinese food!" Niall said and I giggled. "Come on! It'll be fun and it'll be funny kicking both of your arses!" I said putting my hand on my hip. They both shared a look and stood up. I threw a twenty down on the table but Harry picked it up and placed it back in my hand. "I can pay for this Harry!" He shook his head. "Nope, I'm paying!" He said placing his money down. "It's not like I'm poor or something, I do have money and its not right for me to mooch off you!"! I said placing my money back down. "Fine!" Harry said I smiled, walking ahead.

We made our way over to the park and I saw a couple of teenage boys playing with a soccer ball. They had about three of them in a bag off to the side, being unused. "Niall go ask them for a ball!" I said and he ran over to them. Harry and I sat down on a bench and watched him. He looked mad when he came back empty handed. "They said they didn't have any that I could use!" He said angrily. I giggled a little. "I'll go try!" Harry jumped up and Niall replaced his seat. We watched as Harry got turned down too. "They said to go away old man!" Harry crossed his arms and sat down on the other side of me. I let out my laughter and thought for a couple of seconds before standing up. I walked over to them and got intense looks from all six of them.

"Hey cuties, do you possibly have a ball I could use?" I asked twirling a piece of my hair and batting my eyes. "S-sure." One of them said reaching for a ball, and handing it to me. "Anything for the pretty lady!" Another one said, handing me another ball. I giggled a little and threw the ball back to him. "I only need one, thanks!" I winked and walked away, smirking at Harry and Niall. Both of them giving me the evil eye. "That's not fair!" Harry said, standing up. "Yeah! You used the excuse of being a girl!" Niall said, coping Harry. "Might as well use it if god gave me the blessing of being one!" I said, smirking and walking off to a soccer field.

"You're on your own!" Niall said, pairing up with Harry. They both did a handshake and I laughed.

Game on.

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