Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen / Sydney

I rolled over to the other side of my bed and sighed in relief. This side was cold. I was burning up all night and the coolness on my face felt great. I placed my hands under my head and heard a crunching sound. I opened one eye and saw a Liam cut out in the corner. The fuck?

I lifted my head and saw more One Direction posters and other bands. This was not my room; it was Drew's. I laughed at how many posters of them he had. I'm surprised he actually keeps his 'Fan-girling' down when one of the guys come around. Not that he's ever really home when they come over, but still.

I picked up the piece of paper that I was laying on and in neat cursive, was a note.

Breakfast and coffee is in the microwave, mails on the coffee table, and a package for you is on the dinning table. Be back later babes!<3

-Drew Boo

Gosh. What would I do without Drew. Probably die.

I got up and ducked back into my room to change. I took off my sweats and tank top and changed into a pair of white shorts and a random T-shirt. I looked down and saw which shirt I had thrown on, it was an Ed Sheeran one. I threw my hair into a bun on top of my head and grabbed my phone off the side table. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. I popped open the microwave and saw McDonald's and Starbucks. Yup, I'd defiantly die without Drew. I placed the coffee cup and bag of food on the dining table and skipped over to the coffee table, grabbing the mail and then making my way back over to the table. I sat down and started looking through the mail.

Bills, bills, junk, junk, and a letter. I read the front of the letter and one name in particular stuck out to me. 'Maura' was written on the front. I quickly ripped it open and took out the paper.

Dearest Sydney,

I know I haven't written in quite a while and that would be because of the newest addition to the Horan family. Theo is a little bundle of joy and hard work! Niall is just so excited to see his little nephew again. They look so much alike and it kills me to look at the two of them. My little boy's all grown up now. You'll understand my pain when you have kids someday! Niall was talking to me last week about how much you've changed and he realizes just how much he's missed of your life. He feels terrible for being gone but he said he's trying to get back into it. I think he really wants to be there for you. Give him a chance. I know he'll have hard times and you will also, but just get through them together. Like you guys used too. I hope to see you soon and just know that you are always welcome at our home! You're part of our family! I love and miss you dearly, sweetie. Have a wonderful day.

Love Always,


I had tears rolling down my cheek once I was done reading. I never realized how much I've missed Maura. She was the mother I wished I had. She was more of a mother to me then my adopted one. But my real mother, was an angel. She was the sweetest lady you could've ever met. She reminded me very much of Maura. You ask for something and she'd do it. She was always giving and polite. It pains me remembering her, yet it brings me happiness. All I ever heard up to my five years, was how much her and I were alike. How we had the biggest hearts and we looked the same. She was a loving woman and I will never forget her. I know I'll always have a guardian angel. One thing I wish I could forget was my dad. Don't get me wrong, he was the perfect dad- we were the perfect family. Mum, dad, Alaina, Carson, and I. But one day he just snapped. That was the worst day of my life. I was taken from my family and put into the foster home. I was promised to stick with my siblings but that never happened. I remember being forced into the car, without Alaina and Carson. My big brother and twin sister had tears in their eyes as I was being driven away from them. I always wonder where they are in their life. I felt a smile forming as play backs of memories I had with Alaina and Carson played in my head. I remember Carson pushing Alaina and I on the back yard swings, and both Alaina and I giggled like there wasn't a care in the world. I remember mum and dad, teaching Alaina and I how to ride a bike, how to swim, how to dance. It pained yet warmed my heart to remember.

I wiped my face and set down the letter. I tried to take my mind off of the letter and memories by eating breakfast but it didn't help. I finished up my food and sipped on my coffee as I stared at the box in front of me. It was a blank box. No address, no stamps, nothing but my name was written on it. The anticipation caught up to me and I put down the coffee and pulled the box to me. I tore off the tape and opened each side of the box. The inside too was covered with a layer of tissue paper. I quickly yanked them out and pulled out a small navy blue box, a smaller silver box, a fresh red rose, and an envelope.

I opened up the navy blue box and inside was a white gold chain. It sparkled and I lifted it from the box. I held it in my small hand and gawked at it. Even with nothing on it, it looked beautiful and very expensive. I carefully set it back into the box and grabbed the silver box. I opened it and inside was a pendant that went to the necklace. It was a heart that was outlined by diamonds, very real and sparkly diamonds. The heart swirled at the end and in the swirl 'Love' was carved into it in cursive. I slid the pendant onto the chain and admired it, whoever bought this is like a millionaire. They must've spent a fortune on it. I took out the rose and smelled it. It was very much alive and fresh. I set it aside and grabbed the envelope, neatly opening it. Inside was a letter.


I'm sorry for everything. I know I've caused you a lot of trouble and you don't deserve that. You deserve the whole world in your hands. You deserve everything. You are the most beautiful and generous woman I've ever met. Your smile could light up a room and your attitude and ambition towards everything is incredible. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I thank god for you being in my life. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. Those few years I was gone, were the worst of my life. Everyday I would cry because I missed you that damn much. Now, the guys say that they haven't seen me happier. You bring these butterflies to my stomach and make my heart feel things I've never felt before. Things I didn't know I could ever feel. No girls ever done that to me before. You make my life worth living. I couldn't ask for a better best friend.. I know you see us as just friends and that's fine, it just hurts me because I know I want more. I've always wanted more. I want to wake up next to you and kiss you because you're mine. I want to walk downstairs on a Sunday morning and see you making pancakes with little Irish babies running wild! I want that and only from you. I can't see my life with anybody else. I love you. Loving you isn't simple but it's not hard. You make it easy with your big heart, how could one not love you. You don't make it simple either, we fight like its going out of style but that only makes me love you more. I don't want to fight though, I don't want us to be apart, I don't want to go on with life knowing that I lost you because of something stupid. I am truly sorry for not being there for you. I swear to god, if I ever see Jace, I will kill him. You don't deserve that, no girl does. I will always be here to protect you and love you. I put a ticket to Ireland in the envelope and if I don't hear from you before then, then I'll understand. I want to give you your space. If that means clearing out your mind and deciding not to want more with me, then so be it. I just can't live without you in my life. I hope you wear the necklace, I designed it for you.

Love Always,


No words could explain how I feel. I sat in silence, reading over the letter. Admiring the necklace. Looking over the ticket. It was for this Saturday. I had three days to figure out my decision. This would not be an easy decision. I know that for a fact. One question kept whirling around my mind though.

Could I really let Niall back into my heart?

-Sucky and short; I know..

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