Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven / Sydney

"Left, twirl, dip and kiss!" Lou shouted. I shot my head towards her. She had a smirk on her face and I knew she was kidding. Harry brought me back up and smiled. For a second, I thought he was going to kiss me. When he let me go I sighed. That would've been awkward.

Or not..

"You are an excellent dancer! Have you had any practice before?" Lou, One Directions Make Up Artist asked. Harry had brought me to some kind of dance studio and had her teach us to dance. Not that I didn't know already. I danced most of my life.

"Yeah, I danced most of my High school years!" I smiled, reminiscing on the past. Those were the only good times I could really remember. When I was dancing, I forgot about the world. I forgot about all my problems and the people. I let my body move in a way of its own. It was my escape. Along side of painting and singing.

"That's interesting, Harry never told me!" She said, crossing her arms and glaring at a certain curly haired boy. "I didn't know she was that good!" He defended himself and I laughed. "In his defense, nobody really knows I can dance, besides Niall." I said giggling. Harry awkwardly laughed and Lou nodded. We all said our goodbyes and walked towards the exit and went to our vehicles.

"Where to now?!" I asked Harry.

"Aren't you a busy person?" Harry joked.

"I just can't not do anything!" I laughed. I watched as Harry was in his thoughts.

"I know where we can go!" He said, starting up the engine and driving away from the dance studio.

"Where?!" I asked, crossing my legs in the seat and checking my face in the rear view mirror. I cringed at the look of my face.

Why did I always have to be so- ugly.

Harry noticed me picking at my face and pointed the mirror back his way. "Stop that." He said a bit angry. "Stop what?!" I questioned, a bit confused. "You look fine- no scratch that, you look perfect and beautiful, as always." He looked my way and I saw the look in his eyes. He really meant it. I genuinely smiled and looked out the windshield. "Harry, we're on the wrong side of the road!" I chuckled and he swerved back to the other side. Luckily nobody was coming the other way. "Sorry, I got distracted." He laughed and regained grip on the wheel. He seems to do that a lot- get distracted that is.


"A tattoo shop?!" I looked around the dark lit place and was a little scared. "I need a new tattoo!" Harry chuckled. Now, did he really need another tattoo? I think not, but ya know, it's his body.

"Harry, my main man!" A tall, older guy came out of the other room and brought Harry into a manly hug.

"Teddy!" Harry patted his back and pulled away. "Who's this beauty?!" The guy, Teddy, asked nodding towards me. "That would be Sydney!" Harry said smiling. I nervously laughed and fiddled with my thumbs. I don't like being center of attention so with the both of them staring at me, made me nervous. "What tattoo have you come up with next?" Teddy laughed and Harry turned back around. He pulled out his wallet and grabbed a little white piece of paper. "You sure?" Teddy asked. "Positive!" Harry chuckled and was led to the other room, leaving me to look around the dingy place.

I looked at the board of tattoos and saw some girly ones and manly ones. My eye caught hold of one in particular. An infinity sign that had the word 'Love' along one of the lines, with it not being fully drawn. In my POV, it meant that once you finally meet that one person that you know will be your forever, you can get the rest done. To have it completed, that that connection was infinite. I probably stared at that one for an hour before Harry and Teddy came back out.

"Done already?" I asked, taking my attention from the drawing.

"Yup!" Harry said popping the p.

"What'd you get?!" I asked walking over to him.

"A rose!" He smiled.

"A rose?!"

"It has significance!" He defended himself. I threw my hands up in defense.

"We saw you admiring a tattoo! Wanna get one?!" Teddy asked.

"I could never! I'm too much of a wimp!" I laughed out and Harry shook his head.

"I'll be there with you!" I looked at him and thought about it.

It would hurt but it would be worth it.

I nodded and Harry grew a smile. Teddy shook his head laughing. I was a little scared to do it but I figured why not?!

- 30 Minutes Later -

Okay, that most defiantly hurt more than I thought it would but I had Harry's hand to squeeze. This was my first tattoo and more than likely my last. It came out exactly how I wanted it to. I got it done on the back of my wrist so if anything I could cover it up. I don't think I'll be doing that though because it was so beautiful and special to me already. I just wanted to show it to everybody. Harry payed for the tattoos and we left the shop, on our way back to his hotel.

"Thank you so much Harry!" I said, admiring the fresh ink.

"For what?" Harry asked, coming to a stop.

"If it weren't for your strange obsession with tattoos then I would've probably never went to that shop and saw this tattoo!" I said, smiling. I was really happy that I did it. I may regret it when I'm older but right now, in this point of my life, it was exactly what I wanted.

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