Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four / Niall

A sooner update then usual. Im trying to make up for the time i missed so here ya go

Please be nice because it is just a filler and practically the second part of chapter twenty three


Italics & bold are tweets

Read on lovelies😘

Previously on Fix You:

My eyes gently and slowly fluttered and I felt my arms relax, along with the rest of my body. Suddenly, my door swung open and I jumped at the loud noise.

"Niall," Greg yelled out. I rolled over so I was facing him. He smirked and licked his lips. "You've got company."

"W-what do you mean company?" I stuttered, confused as to how somebody would already know about my homecoming.

"Look out your window." He smirked and closed my door behind him, walking over to my window. I spun out of bed and walked his way. My eyes grew wide and my heart pacened at the sight. Roughly forty girls were outside my home, holding signs, and chanting.

"Look," Greg pointed to one. "Read her sign." He finished. I squinted a tad before the words were correctly seen.

'Sydney's tweets are life' (omg I'm so lame THIS IS NOT A TWEET)

What? What does that even mean? I scrunched my forehead and ran a hand through my hair. All eyes were suddenly on me and the sea of girls uproared. They began pointing and waving. I laughed and waved, making my hand into a heart and winking at a few. That sure will be on twitter later.

Wait. Twitter. Tweets. Sydney. Sydney's tweets.

Greg shook his head and walked out of my room. I plopped myself in my rolly chair that Syd practically adored. Once she began spinning, there was no stopping her. She could spin for thirty straight minutes, get up and be perfectly fine but there were a couple of times I had to jump up and catch her. I laughed at the thought of doing as she did but I pushed it away and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I unlocked it and winced at the background. It was a picture of Sydney and I, sitting in her car. I was sticking my to tongue out and she was doing the peace sign. Her brown eyes made me stare a second too long and I quickly scrolled over and tapped on the twitter app. I quickly logged in, forgetting that Harry had used my phone when his died and waited for everything to load.

A wave of notifications and messages flooded in and I skimmed through them. They were all involving Sydney. I clicked on one and read the tweet.

'I feel bad for Sydney. She needs a friend #TeamSydney #WeLoveYou'

The girl had quoted one of Sydney's tweets and retweeted it. I clicked from link to link and finally ended up on Sydney's twitter. It was odd that her name on there was 12:32. Can you even use numbers as your username?

I tapped on her tweet lists and read through them all from the beginning of this morning.

6:21: can't sleep. Idek why I try anymore #sleepy #sleepdeprived

7:04: well, slept for roughly an hour. Does that count as getting a good nights rest?

8:33: I can't even eat this bowl of lucky charms without crying. And I don't get waves of you anymore; they're more like tsunami tides in my eyes. #luckycharms #edsheeranquote

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