Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen / Sydney







I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying on the couch but not only the couch, I was on Niall's body. Okay then. We must've fallen asleep while watching a movie last night. I laid my head back down on his chest. My eyes slowly started to clo-




Maybe if I just ignore it it'll stop.





I threw my head back and looked around the room. No phone on the coffee table. No phone on the side table. I don't see one on the dinning table. Where could it be-




I felt a vibration on my leg. Unless Niall has a vibrator that beeps, which to be honest that'd be cool, I think it's his phone. I looked up to his face and saw that he was fully passed out; not even being effected by the loud beeping or vibrating. I slowly reached my hand into his front pocket and pulled out his iPhone.

'Shedevil' flashed across the screen. Who could that be? Right as I went to tap accept, the call ended. I shrugged and sat the phone on the coffee table. I looked at Niall and watched as his cute nose would wiggle every now and then. I know he's having a good dream because he'd always do that when he slept at my house. I asked why it did that and he said it just did when he was having a good dream. It was just one of the many things I loved about him. There's that word again. Love. I really gotta slow my roll before I get ahead of myself. It's not love, it's strong feelings. Very strong feelings.




I quickly grabbed the phone and accepted the call. "Hello?" I basically yelled through the phone. I slowly got up from the couch, and Niall, and tip toed out of the apartment and into the cold air. My legs began to shake and I instantly started to rub my arms. I heard sniffling in the background and hiccups. What the fuck? I looked back at the caller ID and still wasn't sure who it could be. "Hello?" I spoke into the phone. A big gust of cold air blew between the small walk way and my toes bunched up. This cold air is gonna freeze my feet.

"Niall?" A small voice croaked. "Umm?" I hummed out loud. "I'm so sorry baby! I know what I did was wrong and you have every right to hate me but I love you and I want to be with you! Please take me back?!" The girl cried. Now I know who it was, Audrey. What did she do? "Niall? Please talk to me!" I didn't know what to do. I lowly coughed and made a grumbling sound. Hopefully that sounded like a guy in some weird way. "Yes baby! Please take me back! I know I don't deserve you but I didn't mean to cheat on you!" Say what? "YOU CHEATED ON MY NIALLER?!" I yelled at her over the phone. "What? Who is this?!" She yelled back. "THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT YOU WHORE! HOW COULD YOU?!" This really pissed me off. She cheated on nice, sweet, loving, beautiful- Niall. "Sydney? Bitch. Why do you have Niall's phone? Put him on! Right now!" I laughed and rolled my eyes. "He's a little busy sleeping in my bed right now so you'll have to catch him another time. Ya know, when he's not sleeping with me." That came out a little trashy but ya know what? To hell with her. I don't have time for this hoe.

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