Chapter 1

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Tanners POV

Ever have those feelings in the pit of your stomach that something bad going to happen? Yeah I have, and if I'd only listened to them I wouldn't be in this situation. Maybe I would be hanging with my friends instead of locked in an old dingy basement. But no I had to go out that night. Why couldn't I have just stayed in the safety of my apartment? Oh right I forgot, I'm an idiot. I just had to go to that stupid club. Maybe I should explain exactly what happened that night.

Friday night

I sit on the couch in my small apartment searching for something decent to watch. Just as I settle on some shit reality show I hear my phone go off. Muting the TV I grab my phone off the coffee table and press the answer button not even reading the caller ID. The second I have the phone against my ear and start to say hello I hear an ear piercing shriek. Pulling the phone away I wait till it stops before putting it back.

"What is it Meg?" I say addressing my crazy best friend.

"Damn, how'd you know it was me?" she asks sounding deflated. I chuckle into the phone while plopping down on the couch. Letting out a playful sigh I answer her.

"Who else do I know that calls at 9 at night screaming?" I smirk when I hear her mumbling something along the lines of 'true true'.

After a second of silence she lets out another scream. Getting annoyed with all the screaming I end the call cutting of her voice. I turn the TV off mute and try to pay attention to the show. Only minutes later my phone goes off again. Knowing its Meghan calling again I ignore it and continue watching TV. After about five more calls I finally picked it up.

"What do you want?" I say sounding slightly annoyed.

"Sheesh, no need to be rude" she huffs only making me roll my eyes. I start tapping my fingers on my knee waiting for her to go on. Finally she starts telling me the reason for her call.

"Listen, Tanner. There is this new club opening up and I want to go check it out......but I'm not going alone. So maybe..."

"No" I say effectively cutting her off. The line goes silent for a bit as she processes what I say. When what I said finally sunk in she let out an annoying mewl of complaint. I roll my eyes at her child behavior and let out long sigh of complaint.

"Please. Please. Please." She begs me through the phone. She continues this for a while till I finally get frustrated and gives in, ignoring the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I tell her to text me when and where to go and I hang up. I get off the couch and walk down the hall to my room. I head towards my dresser and grab a clean pair of boxers, a dark pair of skinny jeans and an old bad shirt. I take my clothes to the bathroom across the hall and strip hopping in the shower.

I finish doing what I need to do and get out wrapping a towel round my waist. I dry hair and then slip on my clothes. I walk out of the bathroom and go back to my room. I throw my towel in the dirty hamper along with my clothes from earlier, and slip on my socks and favorite pair of converse. I look myself over in the mirror and deem myself presentable. I grab my keys and wallet and put them in my pockets. I go pick up my phone from the couch and head to the door. I leave my flat and lock the door heading over to my car.

I get in and start driving to the address Meghan sent me. After about ten minutes I arrive at a very busy looking building. I find a place to park and head to the door. I stand and wait for my crazy friend who couldn't be on time to save her life. Not long after I hear my name being yelled and turn to see Meg waving like a psycho lady. She reaches me and links her arm through mine and we head in to the deafening club.

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