Chapter 16

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Tanners POV

I sit silently in the front seat, next to Logan as we start our long drive. Callie doesn't say much as we drive down the highway. I look out the window and watch the scenery blur into a mix of colors. The sound of the radio in the background is calming. I turn to Logan and ask him what's been bothering me.

"Did you ever think that your dad had someone down there?"

"Tanner...I had no clue. I just thought he wanted some personal space. I hate that I was down there when he had broken a door and didn't think to really look into what happened down there. The thought that you were down there then… It eats away at me."

I nod and turn back to the window. Everything he said replays in my head and I can't help but let the tears fall. Just knowing that I had been so close but didn't know a thing. Knowing that my savior was living in the same house. I jumped when I felt a hand on my knee. I look at Logan and calm myself down. Its just Logan. It's only him. I keep reminding myself he won't hurt me. That he wants to help me. I wipe my tears away and put my hand over Logan's. 

"Y'all are too cute. You guys should totally date! Oh my god that would be amazing!" Callie exclaims from the back seat.

My face heats up and I pull my hand back into my lap. I chew on my lip, too embarrassed to say anything. I feel Logan move his hand before he says something. 

"Callie, fuck off."

"You know it's true," Callie mumbles from the backseat.

The rest of the ride is quiet. No one really has anything to say. It only takes an hour before we pull up to a strange building. Logan pulls out his phone and sends a text. I just play with my fingers as we wait for what I assume is his friend. I spot someone walking out with a bag and see Logan's face light up. He gets out of the car and I watch as he greets the guy. They walk around the car and put his bag in the back, before they get in the car.

"Okay so this is Callie and this is Tanner," Logan sad pointing at us, "and this is my best friend Nick."

"Hey guys. So lets go get this other chick and really dude? Must you find all the sexy people? I'd fuck both of them," says Nick.

I feel my cheeks heat up again and I watch as Logan reaches back to slap him. I laugh and look at Callie, who is rolling her eyes. Once we get settled in the car, Logan starts driving again. Logan turns and asks where Meghan lives and I give him the address. The more I look around I realize that we are only ten minutes away from Meghan's. We pull up to her house and I unbuckle. As I open the door to get out, Logan grabs my arm, keeping me from exiting the car.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asks.

"I'm going to get Meghan. I'll be fine. Plus she wouldn't answer if you knocked on the door," I inform him as I pull my arm away and get out of the car. I walk up to her door and knock, looking around nervously.

"Tanner!!" yells Meghan as she opens the door. She pulls me into a hug and squeezes me tightly. I wince, my body still hurting slightly from Logan's dad. Meghan hears my wince and pulls away looking over me.

"Oh Tanner. Where have you been? I've been so worried you disappeared and I thought someone killed you. What happened?"

"Meg I will explain everything but I need you to go pack some stuff and come. Please."

She looks at me skeptically but turns and walks inside. I follow her in and we go to her bedroom, grabbing a bag and filling it with clothes. The whole time we pack, Meghan tries to get me to talk but I ignore her and pack. Once we finish, I take her bag and she follows me out the door. She locks up the door and I take her to the car.

The look on her face when she sees everyone in the car is a mix of shock and confusion. I put her stuff in the back and tell her to get in. Meghan gets in the back with Nick and Callie and I get in the front again. I quickly introduce everyone before we get back on the road. I look back at Meghan and see her looking at Callie. Her eyes go to Nick before going back to Callie. I can't help but smile to my self. Maybe she likes Callie. I laugh to myself, thinking how crazy that would be.

"So uh what’s going on Tanner?" asks Meghan.

"Well...maybe we should wait until we get back to the house." says Logan.

I watch as Meghan rolls her eyes before looking out the window. The whole ride back no one says a word. In fact, no one really makes any noise. The car couldn't be any quieter. Finally we pull up to Callie's house and we all get out. We get Nick's and Meghan's bag and head in. Once everyone's stuff is in their room, we sit down and explain what happened.

I watch as Meghan and Nick stare at us in shock. I chew on my bottom lip as we wait for them to process what we said. Nick looks like he just saw a ghost and Meghan looks like some one killed her puppy. The next thing I know Meghan is jumping up and holding me tight, crying into my shoulder. Her sobs echo around the room as I rub her back, attempting to calm her. Once she calms down she sits back down, holding my hand.

"I'm so sorry Tan. I didn't even think about where you were and while I was moving were getting raped," she says making me close my eyes at the memories.

"It's fine. Logan saved me," I tell her. I smile over at Logan and he returns it. Nick stands up and walks over to me.

"I'm sorry that happened," he says, "I feel awful. I can't believe Logan's dad would do that."

"I can't believe it either dude."

I get up and walk to the kitchen to get some water. I pour myself a glass and turn to see Callie. I smile at her and she checks the door.

"Tanner, could I ask you something?"

"Sure," I say smiling.

"Are you okay?"

My smile fades as I look at her. "No…I'm scared and I wish I could just forget."

"Well I'm here for you," she says patting my shoulder, " now you should go to bed. I'll tell the others."

I nod and head to the bedroom, and get in bed. I close my eyes and try to sleep. It's much easier to fall asleep tonight, knowing Meghan is safe. That's all I think of as I drift off. Meghan is safe.

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