Chapter 2

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Tanners POV

The second I enter the club my nose is assaulted with the smell of alcohol and sweat. It takes my eyes a few minutes to get used to the multicolored lights flashing around the room. The second my eyes are adjusted I take a look around. Standing there I watch as people dance and grind in the middle of the room as others sit at the bar drinking. I quickly notice the fact that there is barley any women in the crowded club. Wondering why I turn to ask Meghan but see her walking to the bar. As I go after her I notice many pairs of eyes watching me. Finally I get to Meghan and go .to ask her what's on my mind.

"Why are here so many men here and no women?" I ask my curiosity shining through. She watches me for a second clearly amused for some reason. She shakes her head before turning and ordering a drink.

"Please please please tell me"

"Did you even read the sign?" I blush knowing I was too busy checking out some to guy to notice. I look at the ground and listen to her giggling knowing I hadn't looked.

"We're at a gay club," she says easily. I snap my head up and look at her with wide eyes. She grins and walks away carrying her drink. I try to follow her but get lost in the crowd. As I try to look for her, my height proves to be a disadvantage. Pushing through the crowd I head in the direction I thought she went it. I feel a hand grab my wrist and I get spun around. I look up and see a handsome yet very drunk man smirking at me.

"Hey sexy boy," he slurs, "dance with me."

I tug my hand away. I go to walk away but he grabs my arm again. He pulls me into his chest and leans down to my arm. I squirm in his arms but he just holds me tighter.

"Come sweet thang, we could always just skip to the end of the night where you're in my bed," he whispers loudly enough that I can hear him. I break out of his arms and move away.

"I'm not interested!" I yell before pushing through the crowd. Through the crowd I spot Meghan’s long red hair and push through top get her. Just as I reach her she turns and sees me. Her faced breaks into a big smirk and I frown. I grab her wrist and pull her out of the crowd to a quieter corner. She leans up against the wall and looks at me.

"WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE???" I yell at her. She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

"First off, calm down diva. Second off, you need to get laid."

" I don’t," I say looking down.

"Oh really? Tell me Tan, When was the last time you got some?" she says giving me a look saying she already knows the answer. I rack my brain till I remember the last time.

"Um the last time was um with..." I'm quickly interrupted.

"Exactly," she says before walking off into the crowd again. Figuring I might as well enjoy myself I walk back to the bar. Ordering a drink I quickly drink it and get another one. After about an hour I start to feel the full effects of the alcohol. Grabbing a shot I down it and get up to dance. Moving into the mass of bodies I start to sway my hips. Before long I feel someone behind me holding my hips moving with me. Not caring because of my drunken state I lean into them and move against them. Sometime later I find a very blurry man buying me a drink. I drink it and notice it tastes a little funny. Must be the alcohol I think. Slowly I feel my body start to weaken and everything goes black.

~Pic of Meghan on side

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