Chapter 3

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Tanners POV

Black. That's all I see. I try to look around but its pitch black. As my eyes adjust I start to be able to see a little. I feel something cold and hard under me. That's when I realize I'm bound and gagged. I tug at the ropes that keep my hands behind my back and kick trying to get my legs untied. When the knots start to feel tighter I realize this is only making it worse. My body goes limp and I wonder where am I. What happened? How did I get here? Where ever here is... I look around again but it's useless. It's too dark to see where I am. I try to push the gag out of my mouth and after a few minutes do.

"Hello?" I yell out hoping someone hears me. Not getting a response I try yelling louder.

"SOMEONE! ANYONE PLEASE," I scream getting scared.

"PLEASE...please..." I say breaking down. My body starts shaking as I cry. I let everything out. My fears. My worries. Everything. I sit and cry. After a while I start to calm myself down. The tears slow down and I sit quietly praying someone comes and finds me. As I wait and wait, I feel myself start to give up hope of anyone knowing where I am or of anyone finding me.

After what could be hours or days I hear a sound. Like a lock clicking. Seconds later the room is flooded with light. I look up to see a shadow in a door. He walks in and closes the door enveloping the room into darkness again. I hear him walk across the room then a click. Next thing I know I'm blinded by light. After a few seconds my eyes adjust and I look at the man before me.

He's quite tall. Over 6'3 most likely. His hair was brown and graying. He looked big. Huge actually. He walks closer to me and for some reason I get very scared. I feel as if something isn't right. Fear takes over my whole body and I'm frozen in my place. He kneels down in front of me and takes the gag off my neck. Standing up he throws it on a table across the room. I have so many questions swarming in my head. Considering he's the only hope I have I decide to try and get answers.

"I...where am...who are...what's..?" but before I can formulate a question he interrupts.

"Shut up!" he exclaims looking over his shoulder slightly. Being shocked by his outburst my mouth snaps shut. I sit and watch as he doesn't something at the table, not really being able to do anything else. After a few minutes he turns around and watches me. I shift under his gaze and pray he stops starring soon.

"Okay, you have ten minutes to ask whatever you want," he says straight forward. I rack my brain to find out what questons I want answered most. Finally I figure I should just go with the five W's.

"What is going on?"

"I kidnapped you, You are now my "toy" for lack of better words," he says. I sit shocked at how honest his is with what he's done. He watches as I prosses this and word my next question in my mind.

"Why did you kidnap me?" I ask.

"You cute, sexy and I wanted you."

"Um..thanks I guess," I mumble looking down not sure if I should take that as a compliment. Just as I go to ask another question he snaps thats times up. I shut my mouth and wait for him to do something. He walks around the room doing god knows what before he stops and looks at me again. He grabs my bound hands and pulls me up by them. Once I'm steady on my tied up feet he lets go. He drag me out of the room and down a hall. The walls are made of cement and there are a few doors and we head farthur down the hall. We stop at the last door on the right and he unlocks the many locks. He opens the door and shoves me in making me stumble due to my restrained legs. He walks in behind me and I take a look around. The only things occupying the room is a small bed and a chair. Looking round more I notice hooks on the ceiling and the floor. He picks me up easily and throws me on the bed. Without saying a word he walks out and I gear the locks click. I sit on the bed and wait for god knows what...

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