Chapter 6

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Tanners POV

I wake up in the same room I passed out in. I try to move but realize I'm tied up and gagged. The door slams opens and the force makes the door knob create a hole in the wall. I cower in fear at the man standing in the doorway. He stalks towards me and roughly pulls me up. He works at the knots, untying them before throwing me back to the ground. He quickly walks out slamming the door. I hear a click and I know he locks it. I sit on the floor and pull my knees to my chest. I rock back and forth trying to calm myself so I don't freak out. Moments later the door opens again and he walks back in seeming much calmer.

He picks me up as if I weigh nothing and tosses me, not so nicely, on the bed. He grabs a rope from god knows where and comes to the bed. He gets on the bed kneeling by my head. My hands are grabbed and quickly tied securely to the bed. My kidnapper pulls my body down, so there is a slight pain from my arms being above my head, and spreads my legs tying them to the bed. Standing up he goes in his pocket and pulls out a tiny black thingy. The second he presses a button, a small knife pops out and my eyes widen in fear. He walks closer and I feel myself starting to panic and my breathing get more labored like a ripe woman about to give birth.

As he stands over me I shake at the thought of what he's going to use that knife for. My mind reals through all the different ways he could cut and slice me and it only makes me more scared. He grabs a hold of my shirt and uses the knife to cut it off me. The relief that he didn't cut me washes over my body but it's short lived when he brings it closer to my bare stomach. He grabs my pants and cuts them off too and I sigh in complete relief when he puts the knife away. The second I see the hungry look in his eyes, as they roam my almost naked body, makes me shiver in fear. I'm one quick movement he tears my underwear off me. I feel tears start to fall as I realize what's going to happen and that I can't stop it. He pulls down his pants and kicks them away, before pulling down his boxers to reveal his magic wand. I cry harder as he lines himself up at my hole. He quickly...

"AAHHH" I scream jolting awake. I sit up getting dizzy. Once the room stops spinning, I take a moment to look around. I notice I'm in the same room as I was when I passed out and that I was still wearing my clothes. My hands weren't tied and I was sitting on the bed. I tense up when I remember what happened before I blacked and my dream. I feel the fear in the back of my mind knowing it’s going to happen eventually whether I like it or not. The only way out is if someone saves me...

The door opens suddenly making me jump in surprise. My, oh so wonderful, kidnapper (note my sarcasm) walks in looking not too happy with me. He quickly closes the door and walks over to me. He stands towering above me as he sends me a look I can't quite read.

"Keep it down," he growls at me looking quite menacing. I nod my head, too scared of what he would do if I objected, and I look down at the ground. He turns and walks out the door and comes back in with some bread and a cup of water. My stomach rumbles at the thought of food. He hands it to me telling me to eat and drink. I quickly eat the bread and wash it down with the water having not eaten for a while. When I finish he takes the stupid from me and put them on a tray outside the door. In one swift movement he closes the door and locks it from the inside. I look up at him in fear of what he's going to do. When he walks over and sits on the end of my bed I look at him puzzled.

"How is your head?" he asks emotionlessly.

"Uh good," I reply very confused at his question. He nods and stands quickly, unlocking the door and walking out. I sit shocked as I hear the click of the lock from the other side of the door. After a while I know he isn't coming back so I just curl up on the bed waiting for something; what exactly I'm not sure. I lay there for what feels like hours but could be minutes for all I know. I sit up and look around the room. Slowly I get off the bed and walk around the fair sized room. There isn't much in here but the bed, the small table and me. I run my fingers along the wall playing with different hooks and metal loops. The thought of what those are for send a chill down my spine. I try and ignore those thoughts by occupying myself. There being nothing on the room I settle for just humming songs and counting all the small things coming out of the walls and ceiling. When I run out of songs and have counted the hooks over and over, I decide to try and sleep figuring that's all there is to do. I lay down on the bed and shut my eyes. I try and sleep but have trouble. I silently start to count sheep and soon feel myself slipping into dream land.


I feel something poke my shoulder but still wanting to sleep I brush it off and roll into my stomach. The poking continues for a minute before I'm smacked hard on the arm. I grunt and bury my head further into the pillow. For a few minutes nothing tries to wake me and I start to drift back to sleep.


The screaming so close to me hear startles me and I jump up and am met with the pissed face of my kidnapper. I quickly shuffle back and away from him, the anger on his face scaring me. He turns and walks to the table and grabs a cup. He hands the cup to me and I drink the liquid. It turns out to be apple juice and I quickly chug it, my throat being strangely dry. He takes the glass from me and hands me a plate with meat, vegetables and mashed potatoes. He gives me a fork and walks out closing the door. I scarf down the food being careful not to choke on it. Once done I set my plate on the table and sit on the bed and wait. I wait a while for him to get back but after about twenty minutes he still hasn't come back. I stand up silently and walk over to the door. I press my ear up to it to listen for him in the hall. When I don't hear anything my hand goes to the door knob and I twist it. I'm shocked when the door opens. I peak my head out and look down the hall. There's no one in the hall, it's just a bunch of doors. I step out and turn to the door beside the one I was in. I try the knob but it's locked. I go down this side of the hall trying all the doors and finding them locked. I go to the other side and start trying those doors. Just as I go to try the second door I hear a door open down the hall. I turn and see him standing at the end of the hall looking furious. I twist the doorknob and run in as he runs towards me. I slam the door shut and lock it. I let my body slide down the door and I just sit there. I hear his footsteps stop at the door and he starts banging. My body shakes from the force of him hitting the door. I crawl away from the door and look around the room. There's nothing in the room; it's empty. I crawl to the corner farthest from the door and pull my knees to my chest. I listen as he bangs harder and harder on the door. All of a sudden he hits it hard and the wood splinters. The next thing I know his foot is through the door. He slams it one last time and the wood gives out and breaks flying everywhere. He stalks over to me looking beyond pissed. He roughly grabs my wrist and yanks me up making me whimper at the pain. Just as he starts to drag me to the door we hear someone call out.

"Hello? Is everything okay?" He stops suddenly and looks down at me.

"If you say a word or make a fucking sound I will banana you," he growls at me. I nods head in fear. Dragging me over to the other corner he opens a closet and throws me in. He slams the door and I sit and listen to his retreating footsteps. I hear faint voices but I can't make out what's being said. I sit curled up in the closet and wait. Finally I hear footsteps going up stairs. Moments later there are footsteps coming towards the closet. The door opens to reveal him standing there looking very angry. He tugs me out of the closet and drags me back to the room I waNANANANANANANANANABATMAAAANs originally in. He throws me on the floor and closes and locks the door. He walks over to me and stands towering above me.

 "You are in so much fucking trouble!"

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