Chapter 7

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Logan's POV

I walk down the stairs and into the basement I open the door at the bottom of the stairs. I call out to see if everything is okay. The sight in front of me was shocking, to say the least. There were pieces of broken wood covering the floor and one room was missing the door. That explained the wood. I see my dad walk out of the room missing the door, his face red, coming towards me. He stops in front of me and doesn’t look very pleased.

"What have I told you about coming down here?" he said pointing around him.

"I heard a crash and I wanted to make sure you were okay. What happened?"

"I uh lost the key to the room and needed to get in," he answers rubbing the back of his neck. I have a bit of trouble believing him but I do considering he's never given me one not to. I nod my head and point to the mess.

"Need a hand cleaning up?'

"No no no," he rushes out, "I got it. Just go upstairs and don’t come down here in the future."

"Alright," I replay and turn to go upstairs.

I walk up the stairs a little off at what had just happened. Why would my calm and quiet father lose it and break that door? He's always been a quiet, collected guy. What was in that room at was so important he had to break open the door? Well it could make sense since he had actually lost the key but he could have picked the lock or got a locksmith. It doesn't make sense. Now that I think about it, nothing makes sense. What's the big deal about the basement? It’s just a hall with a bunch of doors. It's not like he stores dead bodies down there. That would be weird and scary. My dad isn’t like that. He's a nice and caring person. Not a murderer.

I walk back up to my room and pull open my laptop. I go through my emails and respond when needed. My mind drifts to my father’s odd behaviors and I pull up google. I type in "signs someone is a murderer" and click on one of the sites. I start to read the 14 signs someone's a serial killer. I start to get a little worried when a few apply to my dad. I would never think he would be a serial killer. Yes he may hate his parents like some serial killers and he may have been abused as a child but that doesn't make him a killer right?

Not to mention there is nothing wrong with him being intelligent. That doesn't make him a killer. He would never do that...I think. I quickly get rid of the thoughts that he is a killer. That's preposterous. Never would he ever harm someone. As much as I tried to convince myself of that I can't help but have that bit of doubt. I think of how he's never let me down stairs and that he's kind of always kept his distance and secrets. The doubt gets stronger as does my curiosity. Sure I was always curious about what he had down there but now that curiosity is much bigger. Who knows what kind of weird things he has down there. That is as long as he isn't a killer. For all I know he could just have a collection of something he's a bit ashamed of. Yes, that's it. I think to myself. I try to convince myself that's it and that he is just a collector.

I shut my laptop and think of something to do to entertain myself. I decide to go out to the backyard and play around with a soccer ball. I change into some shorts and a tee shirt and throw on my runners. I head out the back and take a big breath of fresh air. I look at the giant yard in front of me. It was a beautiful piece of land and it stretched so far. I run over to the shed and grab a soccer ball. I kick the ball over towards the net and start taking shots. I spend about an hour taking shots and just kicking the ball around. Just as I kick the ball I hear a voice behind me.

"I see you're still an amazing soccer player," my dad says walking across the field.

"Thanks" I reply smiling and getting the ball. I meet him half way and take in his appearance. I notice a few bruises on his fist and some small cuts. He notices me looking and clears his throat, making my head shoot up.

"I was wondering if you want to go out for dinner," he states.


"Great. We will go in about an hour. Is that good?" I nod in response as he gives me a thumbs up and walks away going back inside.

I take a few more shots before deciding I should go and take a shower to get rid of the dirt and sweat. I toss the ball in the shed as I head back in. I run up the stairs and grab a towel before going into the bathroom. I shower quickly washing my hair and body. I get out of the shower and dry off, wrapping he towel around my waist. When I enter my room I see my phone has a new message. I reach for it and unlock my phone. I laugh at the message Nick sent and quickly send a reply saying this is why he’s my best friend. I throw on a pair of jeans and a V-neck. I give myself a once over in the mirror and nod in approval. Just as I put my phone in my pocket I hear my father call to see if I'm ready to go. I rush down the stairs and meet my dad at the door. My dad grabs his keys and we head out to town.

The car ride into town was very quiet. Neither of us said anything at all, we just sat in silence. After about a half an hour we pull into the parking lot of a diner. We both get out of the truck and head in. My father and I get a table and order our food. As we wait we sit not really saying much; only the odd comment.

"Dad?" I ask trying to start up a conversation.


"I was wondering why you felt you had to break the door to get whatever was it the room," I say, the uneasiness clear in my voice.

 "It was important okay? Just drop it," he says playing with the napkin on the table. I do as he says and drop the conversation. When our meals finials arrive we both just sit and eat not having anything to say especially after my attempt at a conversation. Once we are both finished my father pays, we go home and he goes straight to the basement. Figuring it's fairly early I decide to go to bed. As I try to fall asleep he one thing nagging me is what’s in that basement and what my father is hiding. My mind whirls with all the possibilities and it keeps me up for hours. Finally I'm too tired to think and I drift off to sleep, dreaming about the mysterious basement.

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