Chapter 8

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Tanners POV

"You are in so much fucking trouble."

I back away until I'm in he corner as far from his as possible. He walks towards me looking beyond pissed. I curl up into a ball trying to make myself as small as possible. I'm terrified as to what this man could do to me. He's big and strong and god knows what awful torture things he could have. OH MY GOD! What of he knows how to skin someone? I think. For all I know he could know how to kill someone slowly and painfully. Once he's standing right in front of me, he's quick to grab my arm and pull me up. He roughly throws me on the bed and the next thing I know he pulls out a metal rod and hits me in the head with it. My sight blackens and I feel my body go limp as I pass out.


I try to open my eyes but the throbbing pain in my head stops me. A groan escapes my lips as I open my eyes, attempting to ignore the pain. I try to move and I feel a pain in my shoulders. Finally I realize my arms are tied above my head and attached to a hook on the ceiling. I try to wiggle my arms free but it only makes the pain in my arms worse. I look up and notice the rope binding my hands is attracted by a small loop on the hook. It could easily slip off if I was taller. I try to jump and get the loop to come off but I get dizzy when I do. Though it hurts I keep trying to get the loop off. Just as I almost get it off the door opens. He stands on the door looking menacing as he sees me awake. I tremble in fear as I watch him stalk closer to me, his eyes dark with anger.

He stands on front of me making me try to move away. He grabs my shirt and stops me from moving away. He tugs me close to him and I can feel this breath on my face. I close my eyes not liking being that close and being able to look in his eyes. I feel him roughly grab my chin and growl for me to open my eyes. Reluctantly I open them and look up at him, though I avoid his eyes.

"You are in deep shit," he says letting go of my face.

He makes quick work of ripping off my clothes till I'm only in my boxers. I feel relief and worry at being all at naked. Hopefully him leaving some clothing on me means he won't do what I fear most. I watch as he turns away and walks to the table in the room. He spends a minute or so looking at whatever contents are on the table before picking something up. He turns and I get a look at what he has on his hand. A small metal rod, that resembles what I recall him using to knock me out. I start to get worried that he is going to use it to hit me in the head again, and my body moves away as he comes towards me.

Once in front of me, he grabs me and pulls me so I'm closer to him. I want to push away but I know it's no use with my hands tied above my head. He lifts the rod up so it's close to my face. When he takes a step back I think for a second I'm safe but that thought is gone the second the rod connects with my stomach. I let out a loud moan at the pain from where he hit me. Before I can process anything, he takes the rod and starts to hit my body over and over. It connects with my stomach, legs, back; anywhere he can hit me without doing too much damage. After what seems like hours of him hitting me over and over, and my screams of pain echoing the room, he finally stops. He goes and puts down the rod and turns back to me.

I see his mouth move but don't know what he's saying due to the pain taking over. The throbbing in my whole body makes it impossible to process anything. The tiniest movements cause me to moan out in severe pain. I close my eyes to try and focus on ignoring the pain but it does nothing. My arms feel like they are about to rip off from being hung from the ceiling. Even though my feet could touch the ground it didn't matter. My legs gave out from the pain and were of no use holding me up.

He grabs a knife and walks back towards me and I feel fear start to take over. Though instead of hurting me as I expected him to, he took the knife and cut the rope. The second the ripe is cut I drop to the ground not having any strength to stay on my feet. I lay slumped on the floor, my body aching more from hitting the ground, and watch as he turns and leaves the room. I notice he checks the door twice from the outside to make sure it's locked. A part of me thinks it's pointless. I couldn't go anywhere if I wanted to. The pain was too much and I couldn't get the strength or energy.

I lay on the hard ground in the same position for probably hours. My body aches from where he hurt me and also from the hard floor. Some time later I finally get some strength and drag myself over to the wall. I pull myself into up and lean against the wall, the throbbing pain spreading from moving. Figuring there's nothing else to be done and I need the energy, I decide to sleep in hopes of it helping to heal my body and rid me of some pain. I close my eyes and drift off into a painful sleep.


I slowly open my eyes and sit up, shockingly not feeling any pain. When I look around I notice I'm not longer in the basement but in my bedroom at my parents house. I feel a smile on my face as I get up out of bed and walk to my door. Opening the door, I look down the hall to see if anyone's there. I call down the hall but no one answers. As quiet as possible, I start to wall down the hall towards the kitchen.

I walk through the door and am thrilled when I see my mom cooking breakfast and my father at the table reading the paper. I walk farther into the kitchen and see my sister sitting in the dining room connected to the kitchen. Quickly I run over to my mom and embrace her in a bone crushing hug. My mum wraps her arms around me and kisses my head. We just stand there as she holds me for what feels like hours. Finally I pull away and smile at my mom.


"Yes sweetie?"

"I love you," I say hugging her again.

"I love you too," she replies, "now go set the table darling."

I quickly rush around the kitchen and start setting the table. As I do as told I make fun conversation with my sister. Once I finish we all sit down and it. We have a nice breakfast and I can't help but feel so happy being home with my family. While we sit around the table I look up at my mom and notice her start to fade. I start to panic as I watch the rest of my family start to fade away too. Next thing I know everything around me has faded into black. I stand there in the black just wanting my family back. I turn around and gasp when I come face to give with him. The man who took me from everything stands there smiling evilly. Then it's all black.

I wake up and pain shoots through my body. I take in my surroundings and realize him exactly where he left me. I feel the pain and sorrow fill me up before I let it out. I sit there and just let the tears fall, letting out all the pain and sorrow.

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