Chapter 19

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Tanners POV

Logan thinks it would be best to wait a day before we go to his dad. I hate it but it's what's best. I can't stand the thought of Meghan dying. It scares me. She is my best friend and it's my fault she is even in this mess. God knows what he could be doing to her. I sit on the couch, drinking tea and try to calm down. The longer I sit around waiting, the more I worry and my thoughts get worse.

He could be hurting her. Maybe he's torturing her. Oh god, what if he is raping her too? I stand up and start pacing the room. The thoughts just keep getting worse. They eat away at me making me even more scared. Without thinking I run to the kitchen to Logan.

"We have to go now!" I yell, pulling him out of the kitchen.

"Whoa whoa whoa. What are you talking about?"

"We need to get Meghan."

Logan shakes his head and sits me down on the couch. He sits next to me and smiles softly. I shake my head the tears building up.

"No. We need to go now," I say crying.

"Tanner, go take a nap and calm down. She will be okay until tomorrow."

I reluctantly nod and turn to go to my room. Once I'm in the room I close the door and completely break down. I get in bed and curl under the covers and cry. My body shakes as I sob into the pillow. The only sound in the room being my crying and sniffling. If feels like forever but finally I drift off to sleep.

My dreams only bring more pain. My subconscious going through every possible scenario of what could be happening. As much as I wish I would wake up, I don't. I just keep dreaming. Finally I dream of seeing her safe and with me. I sleep more peaceful for the rest of the day and night after this.

The feeling of someone lightly touching my shoulder wakes me up. I open my eyes and look up to see Nick. He smiles at me and I give one back before realizing its morning. I jump out of bed and throw on clothes as fast as I can.

"Slow down there. We aren't leaving for ten minutes," he says laughing at me.

I huff and roll my eyes at him and leave the room. I go out to the kitchen and see both Callie and Logan dressed and eating cereal. I decide I should eat and have a small bowl. We sit in silence even as Nick comes and gets a bowl too. As we eat I try and take my mind off worrying. I love over at at Nick and admire how sexy he is. His dirty blond hair and his toned body. god he would look sexy naked. Though he also has this charming look. Not to mention his beautiful smile.

Logan sure has a sexy best friend. Though I must say Logan is just as sexy. His define face structure and his brown hair. Oh and those gorgeous hazel eyes. He is pure sexiness. Then of course he's also an amazing person and cares so much. He is the perfect guy. Well that's my opinion. Lets just say I would be lucky to have a guy like him. I get snapped out of my thoughts when they all out their bowls in the sink. I put mine with theirs and we walk to the door.

"Alright, lets go get Meghan."

We walk out and get in the car. As we drive I can't help but chew on my lip in anticipation. It feels like hours but finally we get to the house. Logan parks just outside the house, in a place you can't see it from the house. We get out and Logan tells us to be as quiet as possible and to wait for him to signal us in. He gives us directions to the basement and we nod.

"Okay. I'm going in."

We watch as he walks up and open the door. My pulse quickens as the panic builds. I come up with so many ways the plan could fail. He could see us. Maybe he doesn't have her here and is keeping her somewhere else. Oh god what if he killed her? Or is torturing her. The thoughts race through my mind and my breathing becomes laboured.

"Tanner are you okay?" whispers Callie.

I shake my head and all the panic and fear takes over. I start shaking and my legs get weak. My knees give out and I drop to the ground. I try and take in oxygen but it fails. I feel my vision blur and things start to darken. I faintly see Nick and Callie hovering over me, trying to keep me awake. Their voices aren't clear and sound like I'm underwater. The feeling of being lifted keeps me conscious for a few more seconds but I can't help but slip into a state of unconsciousness.


I hear faint whispering as my head pounds. There are probably about 3 voices each one quiet yet so loud. A small moan escapes my lips and the voices stop. Slowly I open my eyes and the light makes me shut them quickly. After a second I open my eyes and let them adjust. Once they are adjusted to the light I looks and see Logan and Callie next to my bed and Nick across the room. I sit up and look at them, noticing their sad faces.

"What happened?" I crook out, my voice dry. Logan hands me a cup of water before talking.

"You panicked. You passed out and I ran back to you. We took you home."

"What about Meghan?" I say, knowing the answer.

"We were so worried about you," Callie says, taking my hand, "we didn't go in for her."

I stare at them in shock. They didn't get her. They didn't save her. That was the plan though. We had to save her no matter what. I break down, my body racking with sobs. My sobs echo the room and I feel someone out their hand on my back. That only makes me cry harder and the next thing I feel is someone holding me. I let everything out until I can't cry anymore. When the tears finally stop, I look up and see Logan hugging me. I curl up and nuzzle into him slightly, but not that he notices. I hum, finding myself quite calm in his arms. He breaks the silence around them, saying my name.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"It's not your fault," I mumble burying my face in his chest. When I realize what I'm doing, I pull back and stand up. I look at Logan and see his face drop.

"I um am going to go nap. We need to go and get her tonight or...we have to."

Logan nods and I turn and walk to my room. I get to my room and crawl in bed. The second my head hits the pillow, the exhaustion hits me. I lay and look at the ceiling. My eyes start to flicker shut and I don't fight it. For the second time I drift off to sleep worrying about Meghan.

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