Chapter 12

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Logan's POV

For the past two weeks my dad has started going to work everyday. It gives me a lot of alone time. I send most of it Callie's during the day when she isn't working. The rest of the time alone I spend at my dads, thinking about going to the basement. Though as curious as I am, I can never get the courage to go and see what's down there.

This morning I was shocked to see my dad still at home and not at work. When I asked him why he wasn't going he said he wanted to spend the day with me, and that he had a surprise for me. I was a little hesitant but I got over it quickly. So that's how I ended up sitting across from my dad waiting for him to tell me what my 'surprise' is. He sips on his coffee before talking.

"Logan, you trust me and love me. I know that. I hope you will always do that," he says looking at me, "I have something that think you would love but I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone at all about our little thing."

"Sure dad. I promise."

He smiles at me, "Great. Come with me," he says getting up and walking to the basement. I follow him and am shocked when he leads me downstairs. I look around and take it the hallway. There are a few doors on each side all of them closed. He stops in front of one door sand pulls out some keys and unlocks it. He motions for me to stay outside as he slips inside. He closes the door behind him so fast I'm not able to glimpse inside. I stand outside for about five minutes before he comes back out and closes the door.

"Okay. Go on in. You can do whatever you want with him. Have fun," he says before going back upstairs. I stand confused at what he meant by he. The second I walk in my eyes land on a boy sitting naked on the bed. He looks at me and I can see the fear in his eyes. I slowly walk towards him and the closer I get the more scared he looks. I stop a few feet away and take him in. He has brown hair and looks like he's probably shorter then me. I look into his tear filled eyes and am amazed at how beautiful his eyes are.

The realization of what my dad brought me to him for hit me like a ton of bricks. My dad wants me to rape him! In that moment I feel a rush of hatred for my father. God knows how many times he has used his poor boy. I clench my fists as I see red. I want to kill my father. I want torture him and make him suffer for what he's done to this boy. The rage fills me and I let out a small growl. I'm just about to run upstairs and hurt my father when a whimper snaps me out of it. My vision clears and I look over and see him curled up crying. I quickly find myself calm ad worried about hm. I walk over to him so I'm standing beside the bed. He senses me, and moves as far from me as he can.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I tell him in a soft voice, "I want to help you but I need you to trust me."

"P...promise?" he stutters looking up at me.

"I promise."

I sit down on the bed and watch as he flinches away a tiny bit. He looks at me as I move over closer to him. This time he stays still. I keep moving closer until my clothed thigh is touching his bare one. He uncurls himself and sits with his legs cross and his hands covering his area. I touch his shoulder and he flinches but then relaxes into my touch. I feel how cold his skin is and wrap my arms around him. His body tenses at first but he manages to relax himself again. We sit there as I warm him up and I think of what to do. The first thing need to do is get him out of here. Then worry about my dad. The only issue is if I try and g home he will know that’s where I am. I need to take him somewhere until I can figure out where to take him. Then suddenly the plan starts forming in my head. I pull away and look at him.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"I'm Tanner," he says softly.

"Well Tanner," I say looking at him, "I'm Logan and I am gong to save you from my father. First I want to get you up to my room where I can see if I can get a friend to help me. Stay right here. I'll be back."

I get up and leave the room, closing the door, before going back upstairs. I go to the kitchen and find my father sitting having some water. He looks up at me confused as to why I'm not downstairs. Before he can say anything I do.

"Dad, I'm not comfortable down there. Can I bring him to my room?"

"Well sure. Just don't let him go anywhere else."

"Thanks dad!" I yell as I run down stairs.

I burst into the room, scaring Tanner a bit, and scoop him up bridal style running upstairs all the way to my room. I kick the door closed and set Tanner down on the bed. He watches me as I lock the door and search through my clothes for something he can wear. I look at him and realize I'm bigger so my clothes will be too big. I get a pair of boxers, a pair of shorts and a shirt that is kind of tight on me and give them to him. He puts them on and even though they are too big they still fit him somewhat. He sits silently as I get my phone.

"I’m going to call my friend. I think he can help."

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