Chapter 21-Final Chapter

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Callie's POV

I stare at Tanner in shock as Meghan clings to me. He is crazy. There is no way he could go with him. It would be like signing a death wish. A sick smirk makes its way onto Scott's face and Meghan's squeezes me harder. He lowers the gun slightly and I look at Tanner.

 "Please don't."

  "Shut up," Scott growls "Come here Tanner."

  He steps towards him and a tear falls down my face. This could be it. Scott could take Tanner and we may never see him again. I never thought something like this could happen. How could Scott do this? Yes, he was always odd but I never thought he could do an act this awful. I can remember all the nights at the bar.

 He spent hours there. I would constantly be pouring him another drink. Yet, he never got drunk. At least not a noticeable drunk. He always kept to himself and talked with that one officer but that's not so weird. Maybe it was how he acted. It could have been that he never really talked to anyone but the cop, and when he did it was kind of suspicious. That was it though. Who would have thought he was a rapist?

  I look down and wipe away the tear, not able to watch Tanner give himself to Scott. Meghan whimpers and holds me tighter. I want to help Tanner but I know I'm not strong enough. I can't win against a gun. The sudden sound of footsteps makes me look up and I see Nick run and grab Scott's hand with the gun. Scott goes to pull the trigger but Nick twists his wrist so the gun faces the ceiling. The gun goes off and I pull Meghan out the door. As quickly as I can I lock her in the car and run back inside. I look and see Nick on the ground, unconscious, with blood trickling down this face. I look at Scoot and watch as he grabs Tanner roughly. In the background I see Logan standing and Walking up behind Scott.

  "You...aren't taking him," he says, the pain clear in his voice.

  It all happens so fast. Scott turns and pulls the trigger, the loud gunshot echoing around the room. Tanner screams and I stand shocked as I watch Logan fall to the ground, holding his stomach that is gushing blood. The sight of all the blood makes me dizzy and everything goes dark.

 Third person POV

  Callie falls to the ground as Logan bleeds out. Nick lay unconscious on the floor. The room falls silent, except the sound of Tanners sobs. A smirking Scott takes Tanner and pulls him out the back door. He basically drags a crying Tanner along, walking around the side of the house to his truck. The wail of sirens causes Scott to panic as he shoves Tanner in.

  "Fuck," he mumbles as he gets in and starts the car. Tanner curls up on the seat and hugs his knees as Scott takes him where ever. He just prays that the police get to Logan in time.

 Meghan gets out of the car and runs up to the police. They as her multiple questions and paramedics run into the house. Tears fall down her cheeks as she tells them everything she can. Her breath catches in her throat when she hears a paramedic call for more ambulances. An officer tries to take her to the car but she fights him when she sees Logan's bloody body being wheeled out of the house on a stretcher.

 Meghan pulls from the Police officer and runs in the house, despite all the cops trying to stop her. She runs to Callie's body and pulls her head in her lap. Her tears fall and land on Callie's face. Paramedics try to pull her away but have no luck. More paramedics rush in and get Nick on stretcher and manage to get Meghan to let go of Callie long enough to get her on a stretcher and in the ambulance. Meghan rides with them and refuses to leave Callie's side.

 "Please Miss. We need to take you to an examination room."

  "No! I need to stay with her!" screams Meghan. The doctor steps closer and speaks softly.

  "We need to do a rape kit to find out who hurt you. It can help the police when they get the men who did all this. Your friend will be okay."

  Meghan sobs and nods. A nurse brings over a wheel chair and they take her to an examination room.

 Callie slowly wakes up to find herself in a hospital room. She tries to sit up but she gets dizzy and a nurse runs over and tells her to lie down. The nurse checks Callie and gives her water. She explains why she is in the hospital and it clicks. Callie nods and remembers it was the blood that made her pass out. She worriedly looks around and asks about her friends. The nurses face drops and she starts talking.

 "One of your friends came in with a severe gunshot wound and had lost a lot of blood. When they brought him in he had no pulse. That's all I know about him. Your other friend came in unconscious with a head wound. They say he should be fine and wake up in a few hours. There was also a girl who came in with you. She wouldn't leave your side. It was hard to get her to go get a rape kit done. The poor girl. She seemed to care about you a lot."

 Callie smiles to herself and nods, "She is amazing...I hate that some bastard hurt her."

 "Is she your...girlfriend?" the nurse asks hesitantly. Callie laughs and shakes her head. The nurse nods and leaves to check on other patients.

 Nick lay in a hospital bed, fresh stitches in his head. A doctor gives him pain medication and leaves him to wake up on his own. He turns and walks to the elevator and goes to the OR. He walks in and watches as they try and bring back a lifeless Logan. He looks at the time and leaves, the only sound being the flat line.

 The end. 


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