Chapter 9

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Logan's POV

The next few days at my dads were pretty normal. We would have breakfast in the morning, spend time outside bonding, have lunch, go off and do our own stuff, then have dinner. Of course then he would spend the evening in the basement but that's what he would always do. In this time I would go out to town. Though there weren’t many places to go I still found things to do. I would go to one of the few restaurants on town, go to the only bar some nights and other times I'd go for a walk in the woods lining the far side of town. All in all, I was amused and would enjoy my nights.

 Today though I felt like something was off. My dad hadn't come down for breakfast and he missed lunch too. In fact I hadn't seem any sign of him all day. It was almost as if he wasn't home. So since I figured he didn't want to be bothered or socialize with me, I decided I would head out to town sooner. I go and grab my runners and head out. Instead of driving I figure I could walk to town. Though it may be a long walk, it would be nice and who would say no to the exercise.

 "Hey dad! I'm heading out!" I yell just to let him know.

 When I don't get a response I figure he probably can't hear me. I head out the door and down the driveway. I pull out my phone and my headphones and put on some music for the long walk. As I walk closer and closer to town my mind starts to wonder to what's up with my dad. Maybe he's sick? Or he went out early this morning. Its possible, not to mention I didn't see his truck outside. Then again it could just be in the garage.

 Finally I get to town. I walk down the street until I reach an old fashion diner. I walk in and sit down at a small table in the corner. A waitress comes over and gives me a menu and I order my food. As I sit waiting for my dinner, I look around and just watch the different people in the diner. There's a family of four having dinner across the diner and an older couple not far from them. I watch them smile and have fun and I envy them. I look away and look at the few people sitting at the counter eating. There aren't many people here but that's expected in a small town like this. The waitress brings me my food and I take my time to eat and observe the others in the diner.

 Once I'm finished, I pay and make my way out of the small diner. I walk down the sidewalk and watch the few people who are still out. Just as I'm about to pass the local bar I notice my dad inside. I don't go but stay and watch him through the window. I watch as he talks to who I believe is the head guy at the police station. They exchange some words before the officer stands from the table and leaves. I lean against the building as he walks past me nodding once. As soon as I see him go around the corner, I keep walking in the direction I was going. It doesn't take long for me to reach the woods at the edge of town.

 I head into the woods, being careful not to trip or walk into a branch. As I get deeper and deeper into the forest, I realize how dark it's gotten. The only light being the moonlight.

 Despite the darkness I still walk farther into the woods not having an issue with the dark. I find myself very relaxed as I listen to all the sounds. I listen to the sound of leaves rustling in the wind, the sounds from any animals still out, the sounds the crickets make. I get lost in my relaxed state and don't really notice how far I've walk into the woods. When I finally realize how deep I am, I feel a tad bit of panic. I look around to see if I know what way that leads back to the town but I can't remember what direction I came from. I jump a bit when I hear a large crackle. I walk towards where I heard the noise come from and notice some light. As I get even closer I can see through the trees that it’s a fire.

 Finally I get to where the fire and see its a clearing. I stare in shock as I see the fairly big wooden cabin sitting in the middle of the space. I walk past the fire-pit and towards the cabin. I go up the stairs and to the door. I see it's slightly ajar, so I push the door open and look in. I don't see anyone so I step inside and look around at the cabin. I'm quite shocked at what I see, the furniture is all fairly modern and there is electricity.

 I walk into what I assume is the living room and look around. I head over to a bookshelf in the corner and skim over all the books. Most of the books seem to be newer. They are mostly from the past ten or so years I would think. As I look at all the titles, an old book catches my eye. I pick it up off the shelf and open the cover. My eyes read over the words and I'm shocked when I realize it's a book from the early 1900's. The sudden clearing of someone throat causes me to drop the book and spin around. My jaw drops when I see a young woman standing a few feet away. She looks to be about twenty or so. She has long hair and dark brown eyes. She has this confident feel to her. The way she looks at me makes me feel like a deer caught in headlights.

 "You know, it's considered breaking and entering when you walk into someone's home," she says.

 "Well I um you see...I didn't know…I'm sorry," I manage to spit out. I'm a little confused when she starts laughing. I look at her confused and she must haw noticed because she stops laughing and smiles at me.

 "It's okay. I was just joking. I figured you weren't aware someone lived here. Anyways, I really don't mind. If anything I'm more interested in what you are doing so deep into the woods. No one ever comes deep enough to find me."

 "I was just walking and I didn't notice how deep I'd gone," I reply explaining how I got here. She nods and turns to walk away. I quickly pick up the book I forgot and put it back on the shelf. I run outside after her and see her sitting down at the fire. I slowly approach her till I'm standing beside her. I stay silent and we just stand there for a bit watching the bright fire. Finally she breaks the silence.

 "I'm Callie by the way," she says, "what's our name?"

 "I'm Logan."

 "Look it's late. It's almost 1am. Would you like to stay here? I have some spare rooms and I swear I'm not a murderer. I just don't want you to have to walk hours to get back to town," she says and I smile at her.

 "That would actually be great. Thank you," I say taking her up on her offer.

 She goes and pulls out some chairs and puts them at the fire. We sit down and just talk. We sit and tell each other about ourselves. I tell her about myself, and how I'm staying with my father for a while. She tells me about how this used to be her family's cottage but she decided to live here when he folks passed away. We talk about how she liked the peace and quiet and how she only went to town when she needed to go to work or needed food and other necessities. We just sat around talking and talking before we decide that it's been three hours and it would be morning soon. She takes me inside and shows me the guest room before she heads off to bed. I quickly get on bed and fall asleep in seconds.

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