Chapter 13

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Tanners POV

Lately, everything is the same. It's like a routine now. I can even tell how any days it's been. He does the same thing every day. First he comes and brings me bread and water. After that he leaves for what is probably a few hours. Then later he comes back, fucks me, uses me in whatever way his sick mind wants, then he leaves. Every time I take a shower right after; the smell of him on me makes me sick. Usually by the time I'm done scrubbing my skin until its red, there is leftovers from his dinner or a sandwich. He leaves water too but on rare occasions, he will bring me juice or milk. The more he uses me the more I hate myself. Each time I feel more and more disgusted with myself. Though I'm getting used to it. I guess I've accepted my fate. I don't cry anymore. At least I don't cry while he's fucking me. I just do what he wants because I know if I don't he could and would hurt me. He has succeeded in scaring me.

Today, something was different. He hasn't come to give me food or even use me. I sit on the floor looking at door waiting for something. It's not like I want him to come rape me but I am scared that he hasn't. What if he’s mad and plans on starving me to death or is waiting to come and beat me. I feel my breathing start to quicken and the panic start to creep up on me. My hands start to shake as I struggle to get enough air in my lungs. My sight gets blurry as the tears all hard and I curl up into a ball. I try hard to calm myself down and after a few minutes I can breathe again. The sound of the door opening causes me to whip my head up and watch as he walks in.

"Get up," he orders hardly even looking at me. I get up, not wanting to test his temper, and follow him over to the bed.

"Get on the bed," he snaps.

I get on the bed and sit as he paces the room. I study his face and see that he doesn't look mad. I feel a bit of hope that maybe he won't hurt me or use me. He stops in front of me and gives me a hard look. In seconds I feel all the fear come back.

"Listen here. My son is outside the door and I expect you to please him. I swear to god if you pull any shit I will beat you within an inch of your life," he growls out before turning around walking back out the door.

I sit and stare at the door, scared of how awful his son could be. For all I know he could be a sick sadist and hurt me. I quickly push that thought to the back of my mind and consider him being nicer and not as awful. As much as the thought sounds nice it's highly unlikely. The door opens and in steps one of the money sexy men I've ever seen. His eyes land on me and he looks almost shocked to see me. I look away a bit as he stares at me. When I look back at him I can tell he's furious. His fists are clenched and he looks ready to kill me. I curl up and start to cry terrified he isn't happy with me and wants to hurt me. I let out a whimper but quickly hold back any other noises, in case it makes him angrier. I hear his footsteps as he gets closer and when I feel him standing net to the bed I scoot away, scared of him.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he tells me in a soft voice. The tears slow down as he keeps talking.

"I want to help you but I need you to trust me." I look up at him. As much as I shouldn't, I feel like I can trust him.

"P…promise?" I ask him, slightly stuttering.

"I promise," he says looking into my eyes.

He sits down on the bed next to me and I flinch away from him, still scared he could hurt me. I watch him as he moves closer and closer to me. I try not to flinch and I succeed. He sits so close to me, his thigh is touching mine. I uncurl myself a bit and sit cross-legged. I quickly move my hands to cover my member. His hand touches my shoulder and I flinch at first but then relax into his warm. The next thing I know he's wrapping his arms around me. I freeze and my body tenses with fear. When I realize he isn't going to hurt me, I try and relax as much as I can. The longer we sit there the warmer I get. He is so warm and he smells really good. I scold myself when I realize what I just thought. Just as I stop thinking about how sexy he is he pulls away from me. I hold back a whimper at the loss of his heat and look at him.

"What's your name?" He asks me.

"I'm Tanner," I tell him, my voice coming out quieter then I expected.

"Well Tanner," he says, "I'm Logan and I am going to save you from my father. First I want to get you up to my room where I can see if I can get a friend to help me. Stay right here. I’ll be back."

He exits the room and closes the door behind him, leaving me alone. Once he's gone I can feel the fear coming back a tad. Honestly, for some reason I felt so safe when he was here. The second I was in his arms I realized he wouldn't hurt me. He really wants to help me. Logan wants to save me. I feel joy fill me knowing I might be saved. I can't help the smile that makes its onto my face. I sit there quite happy as I wait for Logan to come back.

I jump startled, when Logan bursts through the door. He rushes over to me and picks me up bridal style making me blush as he runs up the stairs. He doesn't stop at the main landing and keeps going up the next set of stairs. Logan runs into, what I assume is his, room and throws me on the bed. My eyes follow him as he locks the door and goes over to his clothes. He starts to look at all his clothes before turning and looking at me for a second. Then he turns right around rummaging though the drawers. He turns back around and hands me some clothes and I put them on. I look down and notice how big they are on me. I sit on the bed and watch as he grabs his phone.

"I'm going to call my friend. I think she can help," he says, dialing a number. It takes a minute before I hear him say hello to whoever is on the other end. I sit quietly as he talks in a hushed tone. I try and catch what he is saying but he's too quiet. Finally he hangs up and looks at me smiling. Logan walks over to me and grabs my hand, kneeling down to my level.

"You are coming with me. As soon as we know he's asleep we are getting out of here. Now take a nap while I pack my clothes. He should be sleeping soon."

"Okay..." I say crawling into his bed. The second my head hits the pillow I feel the tiredness take over. The only thing I hear before falling asleep is a faint 'goodnight'.

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