Chapter 15

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Logan's POV

"So lets go over the plan," says Callie, once we know Tanner has gone to bed.

"Basically we are going to hide out here for a bit until its safe enough to go back to the city. I’ll take him to my house and stay there for a bit and then take him home to get his stuff. My dad probably knows where he lives so we can't let him live at home. I'm going to ask him I stay with me so he can be safe. If my father comes to me looking for him, I'm going to send him with my best friend, Nick."

"Remind me again why we can't just call the cops?" she asks.

"My dad is close with the police. They would side with him. We just need to get away from him," I inform her. Callie sighs before taking our mugs and putting them in the sink. She sits next to me at the island and we just sit in silence. As we sit there all I can think about is Tanner. Though I'm not worrying about how to keep him safe but how I have this strange attraction to him. I must say he is beautiful. His hair is kind of fluffy and it looks soft. Not to mention his eyes. Oh and his lips look so kissable. I wonder what he looks like smiling. I need to make him smile. That will be my goal to make him smile.

The sound of crying makes me jump up and run to the guest room. I open the door and see him clutching the pillow, crying hard. I walk over to the bed and sit down. He looks up at me, and the next thing I know, his arms are wrapped around my neck and he's crying into my shoulder. Instantly I have my arms around him and am pulling him into my lap. Tanner holds on to me tightly and I hold him just as tight. I whisper calming words and tell him everything will be okay. When I say my father can't get him anymore, he cries out louder.

"Tanner, he can't hurt you," I tell him.

"H...he can...hurt her," he says hiccupping.

"Who can he hurt?"

"Meghan" he says crying harder. I rub his back as he cries into me again. I just sit there trying to calm him down for a while. After a bit his tears start to slow down and he pulls back. I wipe the tears off his checks and give Tanner a small smile. He looks down at his laps and plays with his fingers.



"Would you feel better if Meghan was safe?" I ask him.

"Yes!" he yells. I laugh and take his hand.

"Then we are going to get Meghan and bring her here. She will be safe with us, but we need to get someone else if we go get her."

"Who?" Tanner asks me.

"My best friend," I say. He nods his head and lies back down in bed.

"Are you going to sleep?" I ask. He nods again and snuggles under the covers. I stand up and walk to the door but I stop when I hear him call out for me. I turn back and see him patting the bed next to him. Understanding what he wants, I go back to the bed and lay next to him. Tanner pulls the covers up and I get in next to him. He cuddles up to me and in no time is fast asleep. I just lay there with my arm around his sleeping form when I see Callie in the doorway. She just smiles at me and closes the door. After she goes I close my eyes and fall asleep.


A shifting next to me wakes me for my sleep. I turn my head and see Tanner curled up next to me. I sit up and get out of the bed, trying not to wake him. I leave the room and close the door softly. I turn to walk down the hall and bump into Callie.

"Morning," I say walking with her down the hall. She grumbles something at me, and I laugh. I go to the kitchen and she keeps walking to the living room. I make us each a cup of coffee and go to the living room. We sip on our coffee and watch TV for a bit. Just as the movie that was on ends I hear footsteps behind me. I turn and see Tanner standing sleepily behind the couch. I smile at him and he gives me a small smile.

"Morning. Come sit down," I say patting the couch.

"Mornin’," he mumbles and sits down next to me.

"Alright, well if we are going to go get Meghan and Nick then we should all go get dressed," I tell Tanner and Callie. Callie groans but goes to get dressed, leaving Tanner and me.

"Um I don’t have any clothes..." Tanner says looking at his hands.

"That's fine. You can borrow something of mine, though it might be a bit big,"

"Thanks," he says looking up at me. We stand up and I take him to get something to wear, before he goes off and gets dressed. I hurriedly get dressed and do my business, so we can go sooner. Honestly, I was excited yet scared. Bringing two more people I to this could get messy but...Tanner needs his friend and if she comes we need Nick to help us. Once we are all dressed and ready, we get in the car and head to get Nick and Meghan.

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