Chapter 18

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Logan's POV

As we all go our separate ways to go to bed, I pull out my phone and call Callie. After two rings she picks up.

"Hey Logan."

"Hey. Are you heading back?"

"I'm leaving now."

"Hurry up."

"Calm your ass Logan. Ill be there in a bit. Just go make sure you get sleep so we can keep Tanner safe."

"Okay bye," I say and hang up quickly.

I walk to my room and strip down to my boxers, getting in bed. I stare up at the ceiling as my thoughts drift to Tanner. He is so adorable when he's tired. I want to just kiss him. He is beautiful and perfect. For some reason I want him. I want to have him and keep him safe. I really want to hold him and care for him. Lets face it. I like Tanner. I shake thoughts of Tanner from my head and try to get some sleep. 

The next morning I wake up to the sounds of a scream. I jump out of bed and run in the hall to find Tanner falling on the floor, his head in his hands. I run over and see Callie coming out of his room and Nick rubbing his eyes, looking confused. I look up and see Meghan's room empty. 

"Tanner...where is Meghan?" I ask quietly.

"She's gone!!" he screams sobbing into his hands. I walk into the room and look around. Her bed is unmade and looks like someone tore the sheets off her bed. Her shoes are on the floor and her phone is on the table. I spot something on the ground and look back at Tanner, who is being hugged by Callie, before picking it up. I study the paper in my hand and unfold it. My jaw drops in shock at what I read.

Tanner for the girl. Bring him back and I won't kill the girl. 

I look up at Nick who is standing in front of me. I hand him the paper and He reads it. He mumbles out shit and looks up. We share a look of dread before turning to where Tanner and Callie are.

"Guys..." I say.

"What is it Logan?" asks Callie. 

"I know where Meghan is. My dad has her."

"What??" screams Tanner before he sobs harder into his hands.

I kneel down next to tanner and pull him to my chest. We sit on the floor and I rock him back and forth, trying to get him to calm down. After a while he finally starts to calm down. He looks up at me and I wipe his tears away. The look in his eyes is of pure fear and sadness. I hold him close and whisper that everything will be okay.

"We will find a way to get her back. I promise," I tell him as he sniffs. He looks up at me and nods, wiping the last few tears away. We stand up and walk out to the living room. Callie and Nick follow behind us as we go to the living room. We sit on the couch and Tanner closes his eyes breathing deeply. 

"What is the plan?" asks Nick.

"Well...I dont know. He wants him back or he will...kill her," I say looking down. 

"Oh god no," cries Tanner when he hears that.

I hold him and rock back and forth as he cries harder. I look up at Callie and Nick, unsure what to do. They share a look then turn back to me and shrug. I sigh and pull back from Tanner.

"We can save her. We just need time to figure out how," I tell then.

"But how long will he keep her alive?" Nick asks.

I chew on my lip as I think. Who knows how much time we have. He might only wait a few days. Hell he might only wait a day. We need to figure out a way t find out how long he will wait. How did he even find us in the first place? Callie. He must have followed her home. He was most likely at the bar and heard us talking.

"Guys, we have to make a new plan. He knows where we are and it isnt safe."

"What do we do?" asks Callie.

"Here is what is going to happen. I'm going to my dad. I'll talk to him. I'll ask him why he is doing this and I'll find out what we need to know. You guys can wait outside and try and sneak in to get Meghan. Once you guys have her we will run out and go straight back to the city. As long as he doesn't catch you three, we will be good."

"That is so risky," Nick says. I nod and look at Tanner. He looks up at me and I take his hand.

"If you don't want to take this risk we don't have to but its the best option."

He thinks for a bit and we wait for his answer. Tanner takes a deep breath and looks up at us all. We share a look before focusing on Tanner. 

"Let's take the risk."

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