Chapter 5

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Logan's POV

I pull up outside my father’s house and put the car in park. I grab my overnight bag from the passenger side and get out. I look around at the farm land that seems to go on for miles and look at my father’s huge country house. It's truly a beautiful house. It’s massive and the surroundings complement it in all the right ways. I walk up to the door and knock waiting for my father to answer the door. I wait for a few minutes when finally I hear some shuffling from behind the big door. The door swings open to reveal my father looking the same as last time just maybe a bit older.

"Hello dad," I say a bit happy to see him.

"Hey son," he says pulling me into a hug. I pull back and he opens the door ushering me in. I walk in and take a look around the foyer. It looks mostly the same just a few new decorations here and there. He guides me to the hall way and up the stairs. I walk straight down and turn at the last door knowing it's my old room. I turn when I hear my father call my name and I turn to look at him.

"Stay out of the basement okay Logan?" He says giving me a pointed look.

"Got it dad," I reply, "You tell me every time I come for a visit."

He nods his head and heads back down the stairs, probably heading down to the basement. I never understood why I wasn't allowed down there but I was always told to stay away. Sometimes I sit and come up with crazy reasons I can't go down. Maybe he kidnapped someone and he's keeping them tied up down there. I laugh to myself at the craziness of that. My father wouldn't ever do something like that. He's way to quiet and kept to himself. Not to mention he's a good man. He has morals. I open the door to my room and throw my bag on the bed. He hasn't changed anything in here. Of course why would he? It's my room anyways. He respects my privacy as I do his. We've kind of always been like that. He was never asking about my every move and I didn't ask about everything he did. It could be that when mom was still around she was the one who worried and always stuck her nose in our business.

I sigh as I put away my clothes and I think of the times it was the three of us. We were the perfect little happy family, or that's what everyone thought. Though I must say we lived up to what they thought. My parents were happily married and very rarely fought. I was the poster child for the perfect kid. I didn't get in too much trouble and my grades were quite well. That was until my mother got sick when I was in 11th grade. It was so sad having to lose her. It torn my father up and he was never the same after. He got quieter and less social. I didn't see him that much. When I moved away for collage I didn't spend a lot of time at home. I only went home for Christmas and that was pretty much it. I graduates and made a life for myself. After a few years I started to miss my dad and that's why I'm here. I called him and came home a few times. I'd stay for a few days here and there and we got a bit closer. This summer I decided to take a whole two months to see my father. I really needed this. I need this time with him and I plan to use it well.

I finish unpacking and decide to go and make some dinner for me and my father. It's been so long since the last time I was here and I want to have a meal with my dad. I walk into the kitchen to see my dad getting some water and bread and pulling it on a tray. I look at him with curiosity and he looks from me to the tray.

"I was just going to go down stairs and have a small snack."

"You are having bread?" I ask a little confused at his snack choice.

"It's good bread. You should try some kiddo."

"Well I was going to make dinner but if you are just going to have that...” I say looking down at the floor. My dad quickly tells me to go on and make dinner and that he would still be hungry after his snack. I nod my head as he leaves the kitchen mostly likely going to the living room. Once he's out I start to get all the things I need to make a nice dinner for me and my dad. I cook up some meat and veggies with mashed potatoes. An hour later all the food is ready and I go out to the living room to find it empty. I walk around the house looking for him calling him every once in a while. After a few more minutes I figure he went down stairs and just can't hear me. I sit down at the table and start to put food on my plate when my dad walks into the dining room.

"Sorry son. I was downstairs taking care of a mess I made earlier," he says sitting across from me. I nod my head and start to eat my supper.

"So how's everything going?" He asks making conversation.

"Everything's going good. The restaurant is doing amazing. I left my good friend and co-owner with the place while I'm gone. I just pray he doesn't scare any costumers away," I say adding a small laugh. My father laughs at this as we talk about small things. We talk about how his roofing business is doing and about different things going on in our lives. We have a few laughs as we both finish up our food. We clean up the dishes together and put away the leftover food before parting ways. My father goes to his room and me to mine. I walk into my room and instantly strip down to my boxer briefs. Before I get in bed I grab my laptop and phone and put them on the night table. I crawl into bed and put my laptop on my lap and turn it on. As it powers on I check my phone to make sure I don't have any missed calls or texts. Seeing I don't, I put my phone down and focus on the screen. I pull up safari and go check my emails and social shit. By the time I'm done it’s around 12am so I decide to get some sleep. I get under the covers and snuggle into bed before falling into a deep sleep.


I hear my phone alarm going off and I reach for it on the night table to turn it off. I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes, taking a moment to wake up before going to get ready for the day. When I feel like I'm awake enough I get out of the warmth of my bed and go into the bathroom across the hall. I quickly brush my teeth and fix myself up before going back into my room. My phone starts ringing just as I pull out my clothes for the day.

"Hello?" I say into the phone having not bothered to check the caller ID.

"Hey dude."

"What's going on?" I ask my best friend. He doesn't usually call unless he needs something or wants to hang out. Knowing I told him I would be away for I while I knew something must have happened to make him call me.

"God, I just wanted to talk to my best friend, but fine if that's how it is I'll go," he says, not actually going to hang up.

"The only reason you call is to ask me for something or to hang so since I'm away I assume the worse."

I hear him laugh on the other side of the line before he agrees with me. We talk for a while before he needs to go to work. We say goodbye and I hang up a little shocked that he had called to just talk. I put down my phone and put on the clothes I had pulled out before. Once I'm done I head down the stairs in search of my dad. When I get to the bottom I look around the living room and don't see him. I check the kitchen and donning room and still nothing. Knowing he wasn't upstairs I figure he must be in the basement; not that I would go and check. I go to the kitchen in search of something to eat and figure I could eat up the leftovers from dinner. The shock to see the leftovers were missing was clear on my face. I figure my dad must have eaten it earlier so I brush it off and grab stuff for a sandwich. I make and eat my sandwich in the kitchen and decide to go out and get some groceries, seeing as my dad didn't have much food left. I head to the door and just as I go to walk out I hear a strange noise seeming to have come from downstairs. Worried that it could be my dad I go down the stairs for the first time ever...

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