Chapter 17

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Tanners POV

I shift in bed when I hear a noise at the door. The sound of the door opening makes me jump out of bed. once my eyes adjust I see it's just Meghan. She smiles and walks in, closing the door behind her.

"Hey," she whispers, sitting on my bed.

"Hey back," I say sitting next to her.

"I was wondering if I could stay with you. I'm a little scared."

I nod and we both crawl into bed, getting under the blanket. We lay silently and I think of how amazing it is to have Meghan back. I missed her so much. We curl up and it only takes seconds before we are both sleeping again. 

Neither of us wake up until late the next day. When I finally manage to crawl out of bed I see that Meghan is still sleeping. I walk out to the kitchen to see a bunch of bags around the room. I look around confused and see Logan and Callie walk into the room.

"What's with all the bags?"

"Oh, I went shopping for you so you have clothes," says Callie, moving a bag to sit at the counter. I can't do anything but stare as I look at all the bags. Logan Picks up some bags and walks down the hall. 

"Where are you going?"

"To take your bags to your room. Could you grab some?" Logan replies.

I get the rest of the bags and take them to my room. Setting down the bags on the floor, I watch as Logan puts everything away. I smile softly when he takes the other bags from around my feet and puts the items in those bags away too. Once he's done he turns to me and smiles. 

"Everything is away. Want something to eat?"


We walk to the kitchen and he pulls out everything to make pancakes. I sit next to Callie and we talk as Logan cooks. Just as he finishes up, Meghan walks out with Nick by her side. Neither of them pay attention to us as they go and get coffee. I giggle when Logan takes Nicks coffee out of his hand. Nick turns and give Logan a look that has me and Callie bursting out with laughter.

"Give me the coffee and no one gets hurt," growls Nick.

Callie and I laugh harder as Logan takes a big sip. Nick looks ready to kill Logan when he takes a second sip. Just as he goes to take another Nick snatches the coffee from him and drinks it all in one go. At this point we are all laughing at the two best friends. Meghan sits next to me as we all cool down and Logan serves the pancakes.

"So, what exactly are we going to do about your dad?" asks nick before he shoves a pancake in his mouth.

"Well we are going to wait a bit here until its safe to go back to the city," replies Logan. 

"What about calling the cops?? He raped my best friend!!" exclaims Meghan.

"We would," Logan says, "but he is close with the cops."

We all finish our food in silence as we ponder over what we know. It scares me that we are so close to his dad but I still feel safe. I know Logan wouldn't hurt me and with Nick, Callie and Meghan, no one could get to me. Though the fear nags me. It's still in the back of my mind no matter what I tell myself. Once we are all done eating and all the dishes are done, I walk to the living room and sit.

I look around the room and see all the books on the shelves. Standing up, I walk to the closest book self and start skimming the tittles. I grab the odd book and read a page or two before putting it back. While I read the back of a book called Skinny, I hear someone walk up behind me. I put the book back and look to see Callie next to me.

"I have to go to work but I want to ask you something first," she says, biting her lip.


"Do you feel safe? With us?" she asks. I nod my head and she smiles before hugging me.

"Good because we will keep you safe," she whispers into my ear.

She gives me one more squeeze before waving and heading out to work. I go back to looking at books and finally I choose a book to read. I sit down in the love seat and read. After about three hours I finish the book and put it back. I walk into the kitchen for a snack and see Meghan, Logan and Nick all  playing around and joking. No one notices me as I grab a drink, then go back to the living room to read some more. The rest of the day I read as the others talk in the kitchen. We all sit down for dinner and eat, saving some for Callie.

"You guys want to watch a movie?" ask Nick as we go to the living room. We nod and sit down as he puts in the old Spider-man movie.

I curl up on couch next to Logan and we watch the movie. About half way through I feel myself start to nod off. Logan looks down at me and I smile tiredly at him. We turn back to the movie and finish watching it. Its quite late when we finish and we all decide to go to bed. Everyone says goodnight and we part our ways. Just as I go to enter my room, Callie walks through the front door. She drops her stuff at the door and walks over to me.

"Hey Tanner?" she asks.


"Can we cuddle? I'm tired and I want a cuddle buddy."

I nod and we walk in my room. We both get in bed and in minutes Callie is asleep next to me. I close my eyes and nod off, the last thing on my mind being how safe I am. How no one could hurt me.

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