Chapter 20

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Tanner's POV

I wake up and immediately jump out of bed. I rush around the room throwing on clothes, trying to get ready to get Meghan. Once I'm dressed and ready, I walk out to the living room and find Callie and Nick.

 "Where is Logan?" I ask, looking around.

 "He's still in bed" says Nick. 

 I look shocked as him as he walks to the kitchen and refills his mug. I follow him to the kitchen but he hardly notices me. He turns and leans against the counter, simply looking at me.

  "What do you mean he's sleeping?"

  "I mean he hasn't woken up. If you want him up, you have to go wake him."

  I groan but turn and walk down the hall to Logan's room. Quietly I open the door and peak in. I slip in and walk over to the bed. A smile makes it way on my face as I watch him sleep. He looks quite adorable with the blanket halfway up his chest. I let out a small giggle but freeze when he stirs.

  I hold my breath as he rolls over on his stomach and continues sleeping. My mouth open in shock when the blanket slips down and I see the top of his bum. My cheeks turn pink and I turn to leave but trip over a shoe. I fall and let out a small scream. The sound of Logan jumping out of bed makes me turn and look at him like a deer in headlights. He rushes over to me and takes my hand pulling me up. I stand and turn away from him, my face beet red. I peek over at Logan's naked body, but look away quickly.

 "Shit, I'm sorry!" He exclaims.

  I turn and see Logan pulling on a random pair of boxers. The blush slowly leaves my face and Logan finishes getting dressed. I walk out the door and to the kitchen, not looking anyone in the eyes. Both Callie and Nick start laughing and my cheeks heat up again.

  "So what happened in there?" asks Callie, winking.

  "I uh nothing," I tell her, getting some juice.

  "Uh huh," she says, turning and getting more coffee.

  Both Nick and Callie snicker as Logan comes in the room fully dressed. He doesn't seem to notice the looks they are giving us, as he walks around the kitchen. Logan gets us both some cereal and I can't look him in the eye. We sit and eat, the only noise being Callie and Nicks laughter. Once everyone finishes their coffee and breakfast, we get up and go to the door.

  "We can do this. Tanner, stay calm."

  Logan takes us to the car, we get in and he drives to his dads. He parks in the same spot and walks up to his dads. I watch him carefully, trying to keep myself calm. He opens the door and I watch as he closes it, keeping it open a crack. We move up and crouch by the window, looking in and seeing Logan and his dad standing only feet away from each other.

  "Give me Meghan."

  "You betrayed me. My own son betrayed me," says his dad glaring at him.

  "I did what was right!" yells Logan, "you raped him and beat him!"

  I close my eyes and wince at the memories of what he did. Just hearing Logan say that makes me fear what could happen to Meghan. Callie rests a hand on my shoulder and I remember to stay calm. I smile at her and look back at Logan and his dad.

  "Logan, if you don't give me Tanner...that girl will be dead"

  "I will not give him back to a monster like you!" Logan yells.

 My eyes widen as his dad tightens his fist. In seconds, his dad has his shoved against the wall, his face inches from Logan's. I feel myself start to shake as he presses his arm against Logan's throat. Logan shoves his dad and he stumbles, falling over. He quickly straddles his waist and throws a punch at his dad.

 "I hate you Scott!" Logan yells. He throws another punch at Scott and he gets flipped to the ground.

  "Guys we have to go get her!" Nick exclaims, standing and running to the house.

  Callie grabs my arms and pulls me with her. We run into the house and Scott looks up just as we pass him. Logan takes the chance and shoves scoot off him, yelling at us to go to the basement. We run down the stairs and I look back to see Scott hitting Logan. Once we are the basement, Nick and Callie start throwing open doors but I can’t help but worry about Logan. The sound of a scream causes me to turn and run to the end of the hall. I grab the handle to the last door and slowly open it. I feel myself start to shake as I look at the scene in front of me.

  I let out a scream and the man stop and looks at me. He jumps off Meghan and reaches for his pants. Nick and Callie run in from behind me and Nick shoves the guy to the floor. I stand shocked as Callie gets Meghan's clothes and carefully dresses her. Once Callie has Meghan dressed she pulls me and Meghan down the hall and up the stairs. Just as we turn to run out the door, Scott walks out and stands in front of the door.

  "You aren't going anywhere," he growls and pulls a gun from behind his back.

  My eyes widen and he smirks as Meghan lets out a sob. He points the gun at us and I start shaking again. I turn and look in the living room to see Logan covered in blood, limp on the floor. Tears fill my eyes and I start crying. Callie takes me hand and whispers to me.

  "We will be okay."

"Take me."

 "What?" Callie says looking at me.

  "Take me. Let them go. I'll stay with you and never tell anyone. They won't tell anyone," I say, the only thing on my mind being a way to save them. Scott looks at me and then at Callie and Meghan. I can tell he isn't sure if he should trust us. I slow walk towards him and he cocks the gun. I stop in my tracks.

  "Take me. If they tell you can kill me. Just take me."

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