Chapter 14

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Tanners POV

I'm brought out of my sleep by someone lightly tapping on my arm. I roll over onto my back and look up to see Logan smiling at me. I sit up and look and see he has all his stuff packed and the room is dark. He puts his finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet and pulls me out of the bed. Logan takes my hand in his warm one and leads me out of the bedroom. With his bag in one hand and my hand in the other he walks down the stairs and to the front door. He opens it slowly and takes me outside to his car. Logan puts his stuff in the car, gets me in the passenger seat and gets in on the drivers side when I realize his father still has all my stuff. I tap his shoulder and he turns to look at me.

"Your dad...he has all my stuff. My wallet and my phone. I need it please," I say, hoping he will go and get it.

"I’ll go get your stuff. Just stay here."

He gets out and I watch him go back into the house. I start to worry and fear him getting caught going to get my things. The next things I see are lights turn on upstairs and I hear yelling. I watch as Logan runs out the door with his father close behind him. Logan gets in, throwing me my stuff, and starts the car pulling out of the driveway. I watch in fear as his dad rushes outside and see is going down the driveway. He runs after us all the way down the driveway before he can't keep up. I look scared at Logan, who just drives and calmly as he can to where ever he is taking me.

We drive silently down the dark road. I look out the window and watch as we drive into a small town. Logan doesn't stop and keeping going until we get to an opening going into the woods. He drives right into the forest, making me wonder where he's taking me. After a few minutes he pulls up to a clearing. I’m awestruck as I look at the giant cabin sitting in the middle of it. Logan pulls up and parks in front of it, then gets out and goes around to my side. He opens the door and gets me out and grabs his stuff from the car. He takes my hand and pulls me to the door of the cabin. Just as we get to the door it swings open to reveal a beautiful girl.

"Logan! You made it!" she says excitedly, pulling as inside. Logan just laughs and nods setting his bag down next to the door. He lets go of my hand and for some odd reason I feel cold. The girl leads Logan to what looks like the kitchen, and I follow behind quietly. They start talking and making coffee as I just stand there watching them. All of a sudden the girl is right in front of me and introduces herself.

"I'm Callie. I’m a friend of Logan's and I am going to help you guys escape his dad. You two are going to stay here for a bit until you can go back home with Logan. So what's mine is yours."

"Um thanks," I say, shocked at what she said.

"So Logan said your name is Tanner. That's a cool name," Callie says, smiling.

"Thank your name is nice too."

She smiles at me before sitting down and sipping her coffee. I stand awkwardly as they talk about their plan to help me. I can't kelp but feel a bit cared for as these two random strangers help me get away from that awful man. It's sad to think that he's Logan's father. How does he feel about what his fathers done? If he's actually as good as he seems, he probably hates his father now. For a second I feel sad that he hates his dad because of me but I brush it away when I remember how awful his father is. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Logan calls out my name.

"Oh um sorry. Were you talking to me?" I say quietly a tad embarrassed I wasn't listening.

"Yes. I was asking you if you wanted to go sleep. It's really late." he says.

"Um yeah I think I'd like to sleep" I respond, looking down.

"Okay, come on you can have the guest room and Logan will sleep on the couch," Callie says pulling me down the hall. I try and protest, saying he shouldn't sleep on the couch and can have the guest room but she brushes it off and says no. We get to the guest room and she tell me goodnight, before leaving me alone. I sit on the edge of the bed looking around the empty room, and think of how tired I am. I look down at the clothes Logan lent me and feel myself smile to myself. As much as I've only known him for a few hours, I can't help but have a tiny crush on him. He is so kind and caring and wants to help me. Plus he is smoking hot. I stop thinking about how sexy Logan is and get into the bed. I snuggle under the covers and realize the comforter smells like Logan. I basically melt into the bed as I’m surrounded by his smell. I close my eyes and for the first time in a while, I fall asleep not scared of what could happen tomorrow.


It's like I'm watching from above. Like I'm not there but I can see everything. I watch as he takes her and throws her to the floor. I want to scream and make him stop but I can't. I watch pained as he takes her and hits her. His fist comes down on her over and over making her scream out in pain. I want to stop him. I want to keep him from hurting Meghan anymore but I can't. I try and look away when he starts to kick her but I can't. I'm stuck watching him beat her. After a whole of him hurting her, she stops screaming. He beat her to death. The only thing I hear him say is...

"That's for escaping."

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