Chapter 11

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 Logan's POV

The sound of my phone long off wakes me from my peaceful sleep. I groggily pick up my phone and accept the all.

"Hello?" I say my voice still deep from sleeping.

"Logan, where are you?"

"Dad? I'm uh in town. Where were you yesterday?" I ask him.

"I was at work. Why are you in town?” he asks sounding a tad frustrated. I make up some excuse about not wanting to walk home late after spending hours at the diner and deciding to just sleep at the motel. He doesn't question it and only tells me to get home soon. I check the time and realize its almost noon. I get out of bed and leave the guest room. I walk out to what I believe is the kitchen and see Callie having a coffee at the counter.


"Morning," I say back taking the coffee she hands me. We just sit in the kitchen silently and drink our coffee.

"Are you going to head home soon?"

"Yeah my dad called and wants me back," I say finishing my coffee.

"Well you better come back so we can chill. I like you," she replies.

"Will do," I tell her, "I'm going to head back. I'll see you soon."

I head outside and start my long walk back to town. I put in headphones and listen to music on the walk back hoping I'm going the right way. After an hour or two I reach town. Considering it was late in the day I went straight home instead of spending time in town. By the time I get home, I'm really tired for the incredibly long walk. When I walk into the house I don't hear anything. The house is awfully silent. I walk around looking to see where my dad is but don't see him anywhere. I head to my room and grab some clothes to change into. Once I'm dressed in some clean clothes I grab my phone and check my messages. I see I have a text and I open it seeing it’s from Nick. I open it and laugh at my foolish best friend. I quickly reply to his message saying 'No' to him asking if I've seen any tumbleweed.

I put down my phone and run down stairs to the kitchen. I grab an apple from the fridge and just as I close it I see my dad walk into the kitchen. I watch as he walks around the kitchen getting different things from around the cupboards and the fridge. I stay silent as he makes a sandwich and completely ignores me. I can't help but wonder if my dad is mad at me for not coming home. Finally I break the silence and talk to my dad.

"Hey dad, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" he says not looking at me.

"Well you just haven't said anything and I was just curious," I say taking a bite of my apple.

"Well I'm fine. Hell you could say I'm great," he says, "do you want to go out for a drink tonight?"

"Sure dad."

"Great. Just be ready at six," he says before taking his sandwich and heading down to the basement. I sit in the kitchen for a bit as I finish my apple and just think. It's amazing how different life is here. You don't have everything close to you and it's kind of nice. The fresh air is great and it's nice not having to breathe in the polluted air. I love how there is so much open space. The giant fields, the forests, the lakes just an hour away. It's all so beautiful. I wish I could live in a place like this one. Maybe settle down with a nice man one day. I get lost in my thoughts just imagining what my life could be like one day. I would be married to the man I love, maybe have a kid. We could adopt or get a surrogate. Maybe we could get a dog. We could also get a cat. Then again what if my husband hates cats? He could hate dogs too. Maybe we won't get any pets. I snap myself out of my thoughts and head upstairs.

As hard as I try to not think about my future I can't help but do it. There are so many different ways my life could end up. Each possibility is so different yet in a way the same. No matter where I will live or any thing else there is one thing that doesn't change. I will have someone by my side.

I get my phone from where I left it and check the time. I'm shocked to see it's almost 5:30. I go into the bathroom and quickly brush my teeth. I give myself a small spray of body spray before going back down stairs. Just as I get to the bottom of the stairs, my dad comes up from the basement.

"You ready now?" he asks me and I nod.

"Let's go now then."

"Sure dad," I say, "who's driving?"

"I will,' he says grabbing his keys. We walk out and get in his truck and drive to town. It's fairly quiet on the drive but I don't pay much attention to it and just listen to the music, softly playing in the background. The ride ends up being quicker then I expected and within no time we are at the bar. We walk in and my dad leads me to a table at the back. I sit down across from my dad, as he waves over a waitress. I'm a bit shocked when I see Callie coming over with a pad of paper. We share a look, saying not to acknowledge the fact we know each other, and she takes our order getting us each a beer. We drink our beers both just looking around the bar.

"So son, got anyone special in your life?" my dad asks starting up a conversation.

"Nope. No men in my life. You got your eye on anyone dad?"

"Not exactly," he answers taking a long gulp of his beer. I wonder what he means for a second and the next thing you know I'm asking.

"What do you mean 'not exactly'?" I ask, the curiosity dripping from my voice.

"I have a little arrangement...a set up. Its not a real relationship, per say."

I nod and finish my beer. I tell my dad I'm going to get another drink and head to the bar. I see Callie behind the bar and I go sit in the empty seat in front of her. She looks up and smiles as she cleans a glass.

"What can I get ya buddy?" she says winking, making me laugh. I sit and ponder what I want for second before deciding on another beer. She grabs me a beer and pours it, making sure it has nice head. Callie puts it in front of me and I grab it taking a sip. I set it down and look at her before talking.

"I didn't know you worked here. Do you see my dad here often?"

"He comes in all the time. Late usually. 1 or 2 Am," she says leaning on the bar.

"Hmm. Interesting," I say. I watch as Callie looks around before telling me to come to the back. We get to the back and she takes me into an office and locks the door. Callie motions for me to sit and I do. I look up at her confused. 

 "Your dad comes in here some nights and him and one of the cops always talk. They are really secretive. It only started a few weeks ago. I'm a bit suspicious."

"I think something is up. My dad is very secretive about the basement. Maybe they have something down there," I tell her, starting to get really suspicious. We sit for a minute before deciding we better go back out. Once we et back out there, we both go our separate ways. Callie goes back to the bar and I take my beer back to my dad. The rest of the night I just sit and think about what my dad could be up to.

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