Chapter 4

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Tanners POV

I sit on the bed for what feels like hours. Nothing happens. After a while I feel myself getting tired. I lay down and instantly feel myself drifting to sleep. Right before I fall fully asleep I hear a bang and jolt upright. I look over to the door and see him standing there looking angry. He walks over and grabs me throwing me to the ground. I wince in pain when my shoulder hits the cement floor. I look up at him as watch as he reaches down and pulls me up and drags me out of the room by my elbow. He pulls me down the hall and enters a random room. He throws me down and I whimper when I hit my knee. He slams the door and I curl up as much as I can while bound.

I watch as he walks around the room grabbing a bunch of things throwing it in a bag. I don't get a good look at anything but a pair of handcuffs. He swings the bag over his right shoulder before coming over to me. he picks me up and throws me over his other shoulder just like the bag. He leaves the room and walks back to the other one. Tossing me on the bed he starts to take things out of the bag and place them on a table I hadn't noticed. I try again to get a look at what he has but can't because of his huge frame. Once the bag is empty he walks over to me and I feel myself start to shake. Something about this man scares me.

"Get on the ground on your knees" he orders loudly.

I scramble around trying to do as told but find it difficult without being able to use my hands. After much struggling I get off the bed and on my knees and look up at him. He walks around me and grips my wrists. I wince scared of what he's going to do to me. My body relaxes when I feel the rope loosening around my wrists. The rope falls from my wrists and I rub where the rope dug in. The sound of his shoes against the floor as he walks around me has me shaking with fear; fear of what is going to happen.

"I have two rules," he states firmly, all the while walking in circles around me, "first rule is you do anything I say or you will get punished. Second rule is you do not ever try to run."

"W…why should I listen t…to you?" I ask stuttering a bit. He stops right in front of me and looks at me with the deadliest glare I've ever seen. He walks over and roughly grabs my hair and tugs. I cry out and try to get his hand to let go. He only tightens his grip on my hair before bringing his hand back and slapping me across the face. He lets go of my hair and I slump to the ground my hands cradling the spot where his hand met my face.

"That's why," he growls at me.

He walks to the table and takes something off it turning back at me. I look in his hand and see what looks like a collar. In a few steps he's towering over me. He pulls me up so I'm sitting on my knees again before taking my wrist and clipping on the bracelet. I look at him confused at what it is for but he does nothing to give any kind of explanation. I decide it would be best for me to just keep my mouth shut and not ask. I stay sitting on my knees while he stands here not saying anything just watching me. My mind ponders what he could be thinking. What if he's planning on killing me or selling me to some freaks? Wait why would he do that? He already said what he wanted from me...fuck. He's probably planning how to use me. Shit shit. He's going to rape me. Before I know it the tears are streaming down my face at the terrifying thought of what he's going to do to me.

 My breathing starts to become labored and I'm shaking as I try to breathe. My arms wrap around my stomach as I start to get dizzy. The room starts to spin and I rock myself back and forth trying to regain control of my breathing but I can't stop playing all the possibilities in my head over and over. I catch a glimpse of him and see what could be a slightly worried look on his face. He steps towards me and I scream begging for him to not touch me. My breathing gets worse and I feel everything start to dim. The room spins faster and gets darker as my body gets weaker from the lack of oxygen in my lungs. The room goes black and I feel my body completely hit the ground as I pass out.

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