Chapter 10

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Tanners POV

Every time I would fall asleep I would dream of the same thing. I'd dream of my family and my friends. Never was the dream the same but every time I would wake I would cry. The pain in my heart was worse then the physical pain. No matter what I hurt. When the physical pain wasn't bad the emotional pain would be terrible. Though as much as I didn't want to fall asleep and dream I did. I couldn't stay awake. The pain was too much for my body to handle. It made my body so tired from trying to heal. I just spend hours sleeping.

Finally after what could be days, my body doesn't hurt as much. Some places hurt when touched but otherwise I feel okay. I sit against the wall in the same spot I was in right after he beat me. Very carefully I stand up and walk over to the bed. I sit down on the edge, my legs hurting from not being used for a while, and close my eyes. I feel my stomach growl and realize I haven't eaten in a while. The only thing I've had is water. I found a water bottle full on the bed and I've been having sips of that when I can. I can't help but think of how much I'd like something to eat;I'd eat anything at this point. Just as my stomach rumbles again I hear the lock click.

He opens the door and walks in and over to me. I start to shake a bit in fear but I manage to control it. He grabs my wrist and pulls me up, making me let out a small yelp. He grumbles at me to shut up and I do. He pulls me out the door and down the hall. He opens a door and shoves me in. The force of his shove causes me to fall to the ground and hit a bruise. The pain shoots through me making me moan in pain.

"Shut up," he growls again and I keep in any noises.

He closes and locks the door, before coming over and standing me up. He looks over me before turning around and walking into an attached room. While he's gone I take a quick look around to see there's not much in here but a big bed and a small table beside it. My eyes widen when I realized exactly why he brought me to this room. I spin and look at the door when I hear him come back in.

"Go take a fucking shower. You stink," he says pointing to the room he came out of.

I hesitate for a second before slowly walking past him and into the bathroom. I walk in and see a small shower, a toilet and a sink. I quickly go to the bathroom, having not gone for a while, and get in the shower. I turn the water as hot as I can stand and scrub my body. I use the body wash and shampoo and clean all of myself.

I spend as much time as I can in the shower before he gets frustrated and yells at me to hurry up. I shut off the water and step out, spotting a towel on the toilet by the door. Once I'm dried off, I wrap the towel around myself to try and cover as much as possible before going back into the other room.

I stand a few feet away from him, scared of getting too close. The fear that this is actually going to happen causes my breathing to get shallow. He stalks over to me and grabs the towel, ripping it from me. I close my eyes, as I stand before him as naked as the day I was born. I feel him take my wrist and pull me across the room. I shut my eyes even tighter and hope that if my eyes are closed it won't be as bad. I feel myself get shoved back so I'm lying on the bed. I hear him rustle around before the sound of clothes hitting the ground echoes around the room. I start to shake slightly when he takes my hands and ties them to the headboard. The feel of his hands touching my body repulse me. His hands roam my body as I feel tears well up in my eyes. Finally he pulls my legs apart and quickly thrusts into me. I cry out at the pain and the tears start to fall. I try and think of anything but what is happening but I can't. All I think about is how much it hurts. How awful I feel. I feel so violated I am being violated. I just want it to end. I lay there as he uses me just waiting for it to end.

Finally he finishes. I listen as he gets dressed before leaving and shutting the door behind him. When I hear the lock click I know it's finally over. I just lay on the bed crying. That's all I can do. I can't even find the energy to clean myself up. After a while I can't even fin the strength to cry anymore. I just lay there with tears stains on my face. The longer I stay still the worse the pain gets. I roll over and wince when I get a sudden shot of pain in my lower back. I slowly sit up, trying to make it so I feel as little pain as I can.

My legs shake as I stand and walk over to the door leading to the bathroom. Each step is as painful as the last but I push through it. The sudden urge to be sick takes over and I get to the bathroom just in time to spill my guts into the toilet. Once I'm done emptying my stomach. I stand and go over to the shower. I turn it on and get in making sure to get any trace of him off my body. I scrub myself until my skin is red and sore. I stand under the spray of the water and find myself crying again. I fall to my knees and just sit in the shower completely losing it.

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