4 - bad, angry and confused

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A/N: To celebrate that Blue Howard hit 8K reads. 

Chapter 4

So this is what the drama club was planning to do – Snow White, but with a twist and probably set in the modern world, although I couldn't quite picture a pixie cut girl choking on an apple in the school cafeteria, then falling into a magical coma and have a random dude kiss her at the hospital, or maybe at the nurse's office.

But I would gladly play the Evil Queen, because let's be honest – I was the fairest of them all, except my hair – not as fair as I would have liked.

They were also planning a remake of Romeo and Juliet, but since there would be too much of a fuss as to who'd get the main parts they were leaning towards Snow White.

You see, Snow was not the prettiest princess, and unless someone had natural dark short hair, the girls would have a problem wearing an itchy wig which might make them look ugly.

The only guy I could have played would have been John Smith from Pocahontas, but they would never think of it in a million years, plus who'd play the raccoon and the bird? Then again, perhaps I could play the raccoon. All I had to do was to not sleep for twenty four hours straight and I'd pull it off. That, or I could get into a fight and beg someone to give me black eyes. Or I could do someone that favour.

Sam rested her head on my chest, her eyes were closed. She was so petite next to me.

"I'd love to see you play a villain," she mumbled. I glanced down at her freshly painted nails. I brought one arm down from under my head and patted her head. She tried to shrug me off.

"Babe, I'm already the villain," I replied. "No acting needed."

She slapped my hand away. "You're not fit enough to be a prince."

I cocked my eyebrow. "Your standards are way too high."

"I'm in bed with you, so are they?" She mocked.

I shifted so Sam fell to the side. I sat up and walked to the bathroom. Sam pulled the covers up and giggled. "You do look good in black, though!" she shouted. I smirked as I put toothpaste on my blue toothbrush. Of course I looked good in black, when I was only wearing boxers. I was more than fit to play a prince – I'd be the arrogant prince every princess would run after, or more likely ride after on a white horse – there's your modern twist. They'd be desperate enough to escape whatever situation just to be with me.

Could you imagine such a fairytale? I could.

But as great as drama sounded (it sounded mildly okay just because I wasn't in it; if I had been, it would have been the worst thing ever), I was considering anger management. It combined both acting and getting rid of the nagging. I could just pretend to be calm. I bet Heather would be proud of me.

Someone had called me three times again. I was noticing a pattern – it was the same number. The universe told me it was my father, but I pretended I didn't hear it. Blame it on bad signal.

I drove us to school. Sam got out very quickly, explaining in a rush that she needed to copy some homework off her friend, whereas I had all the time in the world to get to class.

I patted on the pocket to check whether I hadn't forgotten to grab the pack of cigarettes from Sam's bedside table. Thankfully they were there. I needed assurance that everything was going to be okay.

It was a dull day, which meant that the sun was shining too brightly and my cheap sunglasses weren't doing any blocking. I was still squinting behind the lenses. Once I made it into the building, I sighed in relief, and without bothering to remove the shades, I took the seat far back next to the grey wall, which was mostly covered by posters and shelves.

There was no way I was spending the next fifty five minutes wincing and hissing at the sun.

A tan figure landed next to me. I pulled back a couple of inches and stared at the hunched person. What the fuck was Ryan doing beside me? My eyes trailed over all the seats suspiciously. Had he been kicked off the team that now he had to make friends with the least likable person – me?

I could have said hi, I could have yelled at him, but instead I moved my chair closer to the wall as subtly as I could so he wouldn't notice the tension in my muscles (which Sam claimed barely existed) he was causing by just being there.

The other cheerleaders and jocks had placed themselves near the windows to get as much tanning time as they could. They sunbathed in their own stupidity. Why was Ryan here, though?

He coughed and it made me even more uncomfortable. I couldn't make up a good enough excuse to go sit in the front. I was so going to whine about the whole situation to Sam later.

To my surprise the class went on with ease. Ryan and I didn't speak and I was extremely glad.

It did bother me that he seemed to be everywhere. When I went to lunch, he was right behind me. When I walked to my next class, he was trailing a couple of steps behind. When I finally caught Sam in the halls, I noticed him slip into the bathroom (and at first I didn't think it was much, but then he came out again, and leaned against the wall, glancing in our direction).

"What is up with you and fuckboy?" I asked in a whisper, leaning closer to Sam so neither Ryan nor his undercover jock friend could catch anything.

Sam seemed surprised, or maybe I was misreading her expression. "I stopped talking to him," she shrugged. "It was like I was chasing him, and he was running away. He actually seemed kind of desperate to get away from me."

I pressed my lips together and took a minute to think. "Perhaps he's crazy that way – that he liked to be chased?"

Sam let out a laugh. "I'm pretty sure I was the crazy one. Probably still am."

I shook my head. "He sat next to me this morning," I muttered. Sam heard it perfectly and stared very confusedly at me. "Yeah, it's weird. And now he's stalking me."

"Huh." Sam tilted her head. "Maybe I read him wrong. Maybe he likes boys."

I took a sudden step back and almost fell on my butt. "No!"

Sam shrugged.

If that were the case, then please no. Stalkers and creeps didn't get my heart thumping in a romantic way. There was no thrill, only adrenaline in my vessels, and it was caused by a severe case of fright and horror.

"Whatever, I'm taking a break." Sam saluted me and slung her bag over her shoulder. I turned on my heel and walked out of the building, except in this case I wasn't going to just take a break. My car hummed as I stepped on the pedal and I pulled onto the road.

I was going to visit my old school.

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