5 - hello lights camera action

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A/N: Aren't I just the best? :) Hopefully you'll like (like I always hope). And I just checked, I posted the very first chapter of this story Nov 21st 2016. So I remembered incorrectly, and it hasn't been a year. I think I should have a party then because thank to this story I have come across some of the best people. I am so fortunate. 

Anyways  Happy reading x)    [feed me votes and comments. and those of you who don't vote, please do. it really boosts my ego and my ego is very dear to me. it also helps to make this story more popular so more people can find it and hopefully read it. yesiamdesperate]

(ps. how do you like Farley? Tom? Narcissa? Brooks?)

Chapter 5 - hello lights camera action 

Something about someone.

Ugh, fuck. What did she say? Someone started something.

"Postdramatic theatre," the guy next to me whispers. "Lehmann."

Well, fuck! I'm surprised. Someone actually spoke to me, other than a professor. "Thanks," I nod and scribble it down. My handwriting is quite frankly, horrifying. How in the hell am I going to understand it later on? I'm so screwed in all the wrong ways. So I write it again, this time in capital letters.

"Who should I the thank-you note?"

"Cameron," he says and extends his hand (well, as much as he can extend it. We're sitting next to each other in yet another auditorium lecture. I'm so tired of auditorium lectures, 'cause I just can't seem to concentrate on the professor.) "And make it a letter."

I laugh. This is not that bad actually, talking to people, I mean.

Only thirty minutes to go. I can do this. I am strong and capable and beautiful. Thirty minutes, more like thirsty minutes. Firstly, because I am actually thirsty and I forgot my water bottle, and everyone here seems to have one just to irritate me. Secondly, because I need to see Nolan. I wish he wouldn't fight today and we could crash upstairs in our flat. And maybe kiss. Maybe shirtless. Definitely shirtless. Lots of touching. Lots of teasing.

I clench my fists.

"Yeah, I think it's going to be a letter, because I missed all the important stuff again," I say.

Cameron smiles. "From anonymous?"

"Oh, shit," I look down, shaking my head. "Luke. Guess I just assumed you already knew. I don't know why. It's not like I'm famous."

"It's okay. You seem a little distracted. I understand."

Maybe Cameron should've been my psychologist and not Heather. Heather didn't understand shit.

"Yeah. Distracted doesn't even cover it," I agree and scratch my neck. Twenty five minutes, it seems like eternity. Whoever invented eternity as the ultimate romance indicator, was clearly a mortal. Forever? Seriously? Spend forever with the same person? Okay, maybe with the same person, although that's highly unlikely, because just imagine all that time seeing all those hot people. But eternity in a shitty economy? Eternity which leads to global warming – are you going to survive that too?

And there I go again. Distracted. "Fuck," I mutter.

"You can just take a picture of my notes after," Cameron whispers, leaning in. "I won't mind."

"Who are you and where did you come from, because bless your soul." He just shrugs. He might as well be my saviour. Too early to say, because I've only just met him, but considering my dramatic persona, I'd say I waited too long to say it. He is my saviour. Come to think of it, I have more than one saviour. Seems that every person I meet saves me in their own way. Even the bad ones.

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