34 - hometown

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A/N: Before we dive into part 2 (or book 2), which I'm going to call Aftermath (and the series will be called The Bads), I thought I'd give you a light read (also because I didn't have much time to write, and I didn't want to keep you hanging). 

I'm really grateful for you all! It's amazing how far we've come already, I mean over 50K reads, 3.4K votes and lots and lots of comments which I absolutely adore. 

So, yes, book 1 is officially over, but worry not, I'll continue posting (I won't make a separate book, this will all just be one big story). Meanwhile, enjoy this light read.

Feed me votes and comments (you don't have to comment on this chapter, you can just whine if you want, or tell me your dreams or talk about your nightmares, whatever).

Happy reading x)

Chapter 34 – hometown

Nolan's leaning against the wall of a gas station. Eileen comes out holding a bag of chips and pops a lollipop in her mouth.

"Are you still mad at me?" she asks. It was clear on Nolan's face that confrontation wasn't his thing. He puffs and slides his hands into his jean pockets. His sleeves are rolled up. "It's okay if you are," she adds with a shrug and holds the lollipop in front of her, anything to distract her from looking at Nolan. She doesn't like seeing him like that.

"Mad, mad..."Nolan hums and rests his head against the cool surface. He closes his eyes. "I'm mad. I'm crazy."

Eileen crosses her arms, hugging the bag of chips. The wind is chilly and she's only wearing a tank top. Her hair is loose like most of the time. It gives her a sort of sense of freedom. She waits for him to speak, afraid she'll say the wrong thing. There's a constant battle in her mind – to be cunning and cool or to think ten times before saying something and then not saying it at all.

Nolan grabs his head and growls. "I almost–" he starts to say, but stops, clenches his fists in his hair. "I almost–" Because saying it is going to make it real and harder to deny.

He called her up after the play. Why? Well, he keeps asking the same question, but considering their history, they know how to distract each other, although those same methods shouldn't be used ever again.

He couldn't immediately go to his dorm room. He stopped in his hometown, and since they share it, he called Eileen.

Eileen smiles crookedly. "Remember how we dominated senior year?" She changes the subject, but it's no better than letting Nolan swim in his misery. Senior year was misery as well. But at least for some time it was worth it and neither can regret this. And because of the things that went down senior year did they have to join anger management. It was all worth it.

Nolan bites into his lip, still stuck having the same thoughts. Eileen doubts she can distract him, but she tries anyway.

"I'm glad they're not your friends anymore," she continues and adds a laugh. "But we showed them, huh? They thought me to be a quiet girl and you to be a regular tough guy, and we almost became everyone's favourite villains."

Although she's right, Nolan can't stop thinking about what just happened, how he fled as if the field had been a crime scene. He didn't lie, he should be studying, but there's no way he can when his mind is racing at the speed of light (but rather slower).

How can he sit in a lecture when his only focus is miles and miles away from him?

Eileen gives up. She relaxes her arms, lets them hang limp at her sides, grasping the edge of the bag of chips. "You're in it bad," she mutters.

Nolan lowers his hands and looks to her. He presses his lips together and gives a nod.


Marcus is lying on a bench smoking a cigarette, one foot over the edge, the other stretches out on the bench. The clouds are threatening with rain, but not a drop has been shed yet.

The police came and managed to arrest some people. By that time, he was already home and had said 'nice night, isn't it' to his father. Everyone confirmed that he had been there, but he had an alibi. And if needed, he'd have plenty.

But he warned Luke. Instead of someone who would be considered an enemy, the police arrested Mickey. Marcus didn't know if he had meant for it to be a wake-up call for Mickey, or whether he was just evil. Probably the latter. There's no way Marcus could be considered good, meaning he'd personally beat those people up who muttered something like this.

He takes out a paper from his pocket and unfolds it. An uneven heart symbol is drawn there with a black pen. This is the note he found that night when the fight money was stolen, and he's been thinking about it ever since. Someone clearly meant to get under his skin and did a good job, although he wouldn't admit it maybe ever.

Who was it? Who was that little thief he can't get out of his head?

He had eyes on Devon and eyes on Lucas, but no one reported the real thief.

Marcus takes another drag and blows out the cloud of smoke. He carefully folds the paper and puts it back into his jacket pocket.


I've been thinking about Devon's words and I haven't figured out my feelings toward it yet. Do I believe him? That he's the bad guy in this?

This time he visited me during gym class. I felt awkward in my shorts. When the class finally ended, I saw Devon exchange a hello with Sam who had come to probably laugh at me (but more likely to look at boys).

Devon joined me in walking toward the school. "Looking nice, Luke," he said as a greeting.

I rolled my eyes. "So you have contacts at Lakehill?"

He shrugged. "I pulled some strings. Begged Gina to ask Sam when you had gym."

Our hands brushed together and a shiver ran up my back. He stopped at the doors. "See you later," he said with a kind smile, and in response I tousled his hair a bit, then went in through the doors and took a cold shower.

I've been thinking about Nolan's sudden leaving as well, but he had his reasons which I understand. And we'll meet again, although sometimes my mind forgets and then I start to panic.

I've also been thinking about drama school, which means I need inspiration for a new play. 

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