29 - good boys crave attention like flowers need the sun

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First of all, I'd like to thank the people who voted for the story basically in one sitting (the other who have also voted, but maybe didn't do it in one sitting, I am grateful for you too, it's just harder to keep an eye on you, but I check the notifications always, multiple times a day, because you guys make me so happy) :

Thank you tigerhero99 ; llEganll ; mely4C ; caffeinateddream ; StarmyuDragon ; SenpaiDesTodes ; FatBiscuit110302 ; Fangirl-Tales ; kkvirgo00 - and of course ALL THE REST OF YOU - THANK YOU SO effin MUCH!

There's another matter to discuss. Although I never intended to make Caleb and Ben a thing, seems that some of you want them to be a thing (whether it's actually gonna happen or not, we'll see), BUT writing00introvert suggested ship names, so you decide - Baleb or Cen?

(for now you need not worry, because I don't see the ending to this story anywhere on the horizon)

Also, I'm greedy as f - feed me votes and comments!  (last chapter got over 100 comments! amazing! also, the first few chapters have reached over 100 with votes - sick!)

You guys are the best and probably bored of this, so go ahead and start reading :D

(There are some grammar mistakes but i can't find them rn)

Chapter 29 - good boys crave attention like flowers need the sun

The closer we get to the end, the less we want to explain how and what we're feeling in group.

I mean, I would have no problem spitting fire and sarcasm. I think I'm at the top of my game.

But Greg decides to give each of us a chance to go and talk to him individually. We even arrange an order, but that doesn't work out. So, new rule: when you feel like talking, you just go. No more group dates. No more trying to outshine your comrades.

We have three days to get our shit together. And that's the worst part – shit's not together at all. 

No one mentions it, no one wants to draw attention to the fact that in three days, we'll say c'est la vie and see you never. (That's me being dramatic. No way I'm gonna let all of them walk out on me. I'm cling to their ankles like old chains.)

I have no idea how to face the real world. I don't even want to figure it out.

Greg applauded us on being active and being a team. He informed that two members quit, the same guys who came to me with Mickey Mouse as their leader. I hadn't even thought of them that much. I always thought they were somewhere around, keeping low and ignoring us on purpose.

Eventually it's Eileen who decides to play a game of guessing her favourite songs. Jason fights it a little and Ben winces, but in the end, we all play. And it's like Paul and Simon aren't newbies at all. Paul is just as sarcastic and bitchy as Jason, they could be brothers, except that they look nothing alike. So maybe soul mates?( But not like k-i-s-s-i-n-g in a tree.) Simon seems clever, but only when it comes to things he's interested in, which I guess makes sense. And in that sense, we all have a little Simon inside us. (No, Simon isn't gay, neither is he a pervert, he's just a nerd.)

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