3 - hello bruises and blood

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A/N: Shorter chapter, because I feel so drained.  Don't hate me for it. I guess I have a mini writer's block and I don't want to just squeeze myself dry. It won't do any good for me and it won't do any god for you, 'cause my writing will probably suck.

Anyway, happy reading x)  [cheer me up with comments. click on the vote button. or if you just want to chat, then I'm all up for it. ]

chapter 3 – hello bruises and blood

I stand up when Narcissa says his name.

Tom smiles and pushes me a little. "Go on, then," he says. "I can handle it."

"You sure?" I ask, trying to figure out whether he's actually okay with this. But I'm hesitant toward going closer. At times like these, I really wish someone would tell me what to do.

He nods. "Go, idiot! Cheer him on."

I stumble a little, but rush to see the fight. Although I don't want to really see the fight, just Nolan. Although I don't want to see Nolan getting hurt, but I just want to see him.

For crying out loud! Of course he had to take his shirt off for this.

I roll my eyes as I try to get closer to the ring. Narcissa spots me and comes to stand next to me.

"Relax," she says to my ear. "And enjoy the magic."

Nolan breathes out and I can almost feel him go to another place in his mind. No longer the sweet guy who hugs me close whenever I'm near, but someone else. Still hot, though. Burning, even.

The guy he's up against is shorter than him, which might be a disadvantage to Nolan, because it's easier to duck.

But I believe in my man.

A smile forms on Nolan's lips. He clenches his fists, wrapped in red fabric, and the neon wristband is blinding in the sunlight. This is a good time to let my eyes trail on him without him knowing. I admire his muscles, his tan skin. The way his pants hang on his hips. The way he rolls his neck.

My man.

I start when he lands the first punch.

This is no longer a delicate dance, and I am afraid.

His opponent strikes, but Nolan twists his arm behind him. The guy grunts and tries to get free. He manages to kick Nolan's leg. I can see something flash in Nolan's eyes, but then they fall down together.

I wince. There are red spots on his back, when he tries to pin the guy. This must hurt.

"Isn't he magnificent?" Narcissa asks, grinning from ear to ear.

Magnificently in trouble, that's what he is.

(But yes, magnificent too.)

The guy pushes Nolan off and to my surprise Nolan lets him. Just when the guy is trying to climb on top of him, Nolan kicks him in the face and blood splatters on the ground. My insides twist and I hope I don't throw up.

Being in a fight is completely different from witnessing one. I have to look away for a moment.

Narcissa laughs lightly next to me. "It gets easier. Soon you won't even notice the blood."

Hopefully. Because now I almost gag.

Every blow he gets hurts me. The fabric gets loose on his left arm and it reveals raw knuckles.

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