10 - AFTER the flower crowns

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A/N: So, I took a break, but I'm still not sure if I got this story figured out. But whatever, I'm just going to hope for the best and write it as best as I can and how I want it. But if you have some suggestions, then feel free to post them in the comments or send a private message.

It's a long chapter. Hopefully an okay one. 

Also, I'm going to a wedding in two days. Yaas! Party! 

Happy reading x) 

give me votes and comments (also thank you all who have just come aboard this ship [book], welcome and I hope you're having fun. I've noticed some of you add this story to their library marked "read" or something like that, but I would also like some feedback: if you don't want to vote, then a single comment underneath the last read chapter would be amazing)

Chapter 10 – AFTER the flower crowns

It's day four and we're lying on the trampoline with our eyes closed.

Paul is his same annoying self and even though they get along with Jason, other times they decide to act all dramatic and hate each other. Don't know what that's about, but I'll let it slide just like everyone else. Max on the other hand is such a sweet little boy, the same age as Caleb, which makes complete sense now as to why Ben was so fond of Caleb from the start.

Cool and careless Ben who has a soft spot for kids. That façade faded away faster than I thought.

And then there's Nolan who I have been kissing so much that my lips have literally cracked (that's actually because we were kissing in the cold wind of yesterday, but I'm still going to blame him). I don't regret it one bit, but I am angry that I can't kiss him today. I might break his lips too. Which would be a shame.

I open my eyes and blink away the tears, because the sun is blinding. And of course I have to sneeze now. The sudden change of light doesn't always agree with me, so I have to sneeze.

"Bless your gorgeous soul," Nolan mumbles next to me, arm over his stomach. Clothed this time. We're both in our most average clothes.

I turn to look at him. And he looks marvellous. Absolutely fucking godly. Golden hair (not that golden, but close enough) and strong jawline. Sometimes his eyes seem blue, even though they are grey.

I sneeze again.

His eyes snap open. "Don't tell you're allergic to me or something," he says, alarmed.

"Or something," I reply and rub my nose.

He touches my forehead. "Feeling feverish?" A hint of a smile in his voice.

"All because of you," I say sweetly. Nolan takes my hand and kisses the back of it.

"I knew it," he says. "Because I'm amazing."

Caleb comes running to us. Breathless, he manages to announce, "Nolan, your phone."

Nolan crawls over me without no reason (he could just hop off the trampoline), and sighs. "Be right back, boo."

Caleb rests his elbows on the edge of the trampoline. "I want to jump," he says, looking at me.

"So jump," I shrug.

He clears his throat. "Um, I meant please leave, because I want to jump and I can't when you're lying there," he rephrases.

I stare at him in surprise. I don't mind leaving the trampoline, but I sure as hell am surprised how confident he is. And how he's demanding what he wants. "Sorry, buddy," I say and push off. "There you go."

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