25 - good and better

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A/N: Don't get used to the long chapters. School will start soon (next week) and then I'm going to be a mess again. But meanwhile, hopefully I'll be able to post at least one chapter.

As you already know, I'm greedy (and I admit it), so - vote and comment

Enjoy x)

Chapter 25 – good and better

The rest of the night is a blackout. I'm conscious until I'm not, and that's it. There's no way to explain it, one moment your brain is your friend, the next it's someone who knocked you out for no reason.

I wake up in my bed and I am positive that I didn't get here alone. My shirt is missing. Maybe drunk-me got a bit carried away, or maybe it was too warm inside the house and I decided to strip down a little. Maybe I passed out before I could remove the pants and that's why I'm still wearing them.

Someone's running around in my head and I'm trying to follow them and it's making my head spin. My head is a broken carousel.

Jason's sitting on his bed, feet dangling over the edge. "Good morning, drunkard," he says with a grin, hands gripping the edge of the bed. He looks like he has been up for some time. I hope all that time wasn't spent on staring at me. "You should definitely shower before you go downstairs. I smell something strong on you."

I rub my face and groan, stretching and twisting and turning. "Can't I spend the entire day in bed?"

Jason starts climbing down from the top bunk and he lands on the floor with a thud. "'m afraid not, sir. We have business to attend to. But first," he says and wiggles his index finger. "Take care of your business. Seriously – shower. Apply lots of deodorant and perfume or whatever, because you stink of vodka and sweat." He walks towards the door, but then places his hands on both sides of the doorframe. "Oh, and you're shirt has been washed and is drying in the bathroom. Thank Nolan."

That's where my shirt disappeared to.

So instead of Nolan getting black out drunk, I'm the one who ended up taking his place? Oh that's just great. Can't wait to face everyone and explain what we were up to. Oh fuck, and I called Devon. And it's not that calling him was bad – that part was actually okay, even telling him how I felt about him was okay, it's that his reply was not something I wanted. And how am I going to act now? Knowing that he...that he was so weirded out.

I take a long shower, not really moving in the water. My head is buzzing and spinning and aching. I press my palms flat against the wall of the shower and take deep breaths. My love, my saviour acted so indifferent towards me that it drowns out how bad my head feels, and instead draws attention to my heart – it's sore from feeling bad.

I step out of the shower and carelessly dry myself. My eyes stop on my white T-shirt on the radiator. It hasn't dried completely, but I tug it on, my barely dried skin isn't cooperating with the shirt. When I'm finally dressed, I go downstairs, my feet unsteady on the stairs. I trail the walls with my hands and finally reach the kitchen.

Ben and Jason are at the stove, frying eggs and bacon. Ben's teaching Jason which seasoning to use to make it perfect. While Jason watches over the pan, Ben goes to the fridge and takes out a carton of orange juice. His eyes land on me and he grins wide.

"Well, hello, sailor," he says and unscrews the cap on the carton. He gulps down some orange juice and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "You look crappy today. I am very disappointed that you didn't invite me, but someone's got to watch over the kids, right?"

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