18 - almost bad

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A/N: Write, draw or whatever to me. I just hope you like this chapter. I really do. (ps. I'm mad at me just like you, because I didn't post for such a long time).

Chapter 18 – almost bad

I drag my feet to the nearest gas station. Cigarettes. Right. And booze, I almost forgot!

The bass from a car is making the whole parking lot vibrate. And I'm thinking the world can't end before I see Devon again. It wouldn't make any sense.

I take money from my back pocket and step inside. He's not here yet.

What kind of cigarettes does he like, then? Definitely not the ones I smoke.

Is he driving here? How far away does he live? Shit, should I buy one or two beers? Maybe I should buy a whole bottle of rum and then some Sprite or Cola. No, beers it is. Wait, but what kind of beer does he like? It's better if I just buy what I like. Then it won't go to waste.

But, shit, I'd be okay to waste it on him.

Maybe chocolate, then. But, does he like milk chocolate or white or dark or...does he like chocolate-chip cookies? Oh my god, I know nothing about him.

I rub my temples with my index finger and thumb, and then rest my forehead against the cool door that keeps me a quite safe distance from the drinks.

Cradling two beers and two Snickers bars, I walk to the register. I set the things down and put the crumpled dollars on the counter. Right, and a pack of gum. The woman looks at me weirdly and I try to smooth down my hair. Fuck, I should've borrowed Sam's comb or something. I bet I look really bad. Ah, but at least Devon always looks good.

As I exit I spot a black car and a guy leaning against it. My lips spread into a smirk and I take a step. One Snickers bar falls to the ground.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Devon pushes away from the car and walks to me. I'm about to reach down, when he beats me to it. "You seem clumsy," he says. "What happened?" He offers me the Snickers.

"No, actually that's for you," I stop him. "And also this." I nod to one of the beers. "But you're driving, so..." Driving me crazy, that's for sure.

Please, act sober. This one time, Lucas, I know you can be normal.

"You can say no, if you want," I quickly add, embarrassed by the way I act around him, embarrassed about how I look and how I look at him. Embarrassed about everything.

He glances at me, face serious. "Who would say no to you," he says and shakes his head slightly. I can see the corners of his mouth lift into a smirk, and god, I think I'm dead.

My stomach twists. The butterflies might be drunker than I am. A dip into a cold lake might be a good idea now.

"Where to, captain?" I ask, nodding towards the car. A change in the subject might help my case, but I doubt. I'm still thinking about the smirk, his lips, his lips.

"I'm thinking our place." He lifts his eyebrow, then when I don't answer, he opens the door for me and I climb in, even clumsier now. I pop a gum in my mouth. Can't be smelling like a drunk, can't be acting like a drunk. Why did I even buy the beers? I could've bought water. When's the last time I was on a date? Is this a date?

Where did my confidence suddenly go hide?

He said our place. We have a place. I smile at the thought, and we drive away.

"Actually," he says when we've reached our destination. Devon slowly turns to look at me. He's gripping the wheel and I wish I had something to hold onto as well to distract myself from him. "This doesn't feel right." And my heart skips a beat. Did he see someone? Is it Marcus? Is Marcus here?

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