13 - bad and strange

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Introducing some new characters. Soo, let me know what you think, as always. Your opinion means a lot to me. And I hope you like this chapter. 

(I added my - at the moment - most favourite song, but I think it'll be a favourite for a long time.)

Chapter 13 – bad and strange

Hello, everybody! Nice (not really) to meet you, stranger! Greg, you are such a wonderful ray of sunshine, please let's just keep introducing and embarrassing the shit out of ourselves. It's exactly why I came here, Greg. So the next time I knew what to blurt out – my favourite colour is egg yellow...well, the inside of the egg...the yellow, I mean...insert awkward laugh which could be labelled as a giggle which also makes me seem idiotic and might earn me the nickname Giggles.

Greg, honestly, is that why we're here? Instead of kicking and screaming we're just a bunch of asses sitting in a circle. Oh my god, Greg, you really didn't think this through. Greg, I'm embarrassed. That's why when it's my turn I don't even plan to look at anybody. I'll just mumble something and you'll all be pleased - except you Greg, I just know you want to torment me further – because we don't actually want to become friends, you know.

Let me just fall into the earth and burn.

"...Mickey and I have a-"

Cut the shit! What?

My head snaps to where the voice is coming from. Our eyes meet and a grin tugs at his lips but even more at the corners of his eyes.

Oh, Greg, you have no idea how big a pile of crap this room really holds. You want us to be friendly? Not going to happen.

Images of me hitting Mickey skip in front of my eyes and are stored for later in the back of my mind. Then images of Mickey punching me layer on top of each other and I shake my head.

Mickey looks down at the ground and almost laughs.

What did he say? Did he say something about me that was funny? Man, I'd love to be a part of a joke. Tell me.

I really fancy an apple right now. Greg, when's food going to be served? I'm starving.

Never mind, it's my turn to speak. "I'm Luke," I say and press my lips into a smile that isn't really a smile but more of a line. I'm Luke and I don't know why I'm here because the world is a better place when I punch people who deserve and need to be punched.

They all look at me (maybe not everyone) and I sigh, not letting the fake smile falter. I raise my brows and just nod. Yup, that's me. My name is Luke and you can take your interest in me somewhere else. Come on, why pretend that you are interested in me anyway? I think we can all agree that we're interested in food, not getting hit and then just leaving. Greg, do you hear that? I want to leave.

"Any interests?" Greg asks. He has leaned forward in his chair, his hands together.

I blow out a breath. "Well my interests got me here and I'm told to quit the hobby so..." I say and then beam at Greg. A couple of stifled laughs and snorts from the crowd and I feel like I've been presented a stand up comedy award. "Any recommendations?"

There are three tables which means I'm stuck with some people during dinner.

I choose the empty table in the corner assuming others would like a spot with a view, whereas I don't care for windows. I'll be happy to shut myself into a box that consists of four walls, a floor and a ceiling. I call it a room, but you can call it however you like. Actually, it doesn't even have to have a ceiling. I might as well look at stars while I'm at it.

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