13 - hello here comes trouble

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A/N: Finally I update. It's been over a month. And I feel terrible. I'm so sorry, but I have been really busy and tired. I don't know when I'll get to upload next, but I promise you I will finish this story. I love these characters too much. And I love you, dear readers. You make my tired face light up with joy. 

Oh, and I'd like to thank the following people for reading Blue Howard and voting: @Love67blue , @IanSalapar1 , @xthepotato , @clockwork_hearts ; @diningash . And the following people for reading this story (and voting): @Fifidarios , @sarangevil , @joxeia (and for commenting, because I love reading comments and please never stop commenting, even if it's just an emotikon or just "aah" or whatever). 

I'm hoping you don't hate me and still comment and vote.

Happy reading x)

chapter 13 – hello here comes trouble

I'm out of the door, Nolan behind me.

I close the door and he locks it from the inside. No need for anyone to traumatize Eileen.

Marcus is wiping the corner of his mouth, eyes flaming at Farley whose chest is rapidly rising and falling.

Farley curls and uncurls his fingers, then shakes his hand slightly.

"What the fuck happened," I whisper. It's not even a question, because I'm afraid of the answer. We're in a mess. In quicksand. And it's not helping that we don't move, we're sinking anyway. I'm wondering where we went wrong. But I guess it was expected. Marcus attracts trouble. He can't help it.

Farley closes his eyes and turns two steps so his back is to Marcus.

My eyes shift from Farley to Marcus and back again, not knowing who to focus on. Who's to blame? And why? Because what the fuck happened.

"I just want to explain myself," Marcus speaks, gesturing for the door Eileen is hiding behind. "It's easy to paint me the monster everyone thinks I am, so go ahead. I can take it."

"I'm not–"I start, but Farley cuts me off.

"Just leave her alone! You and I both know she's better off without you."

"And you two would be better together?" Marcus pushes off the wall and glares at Farley who has now turned around to face him again.

Boy, I should have taken some popcorn with me. This is better than reality TV (and also scarier), because this is real.

Farley closes his mouth, takes a mental step back. "I wasn't saying that," he mutters. "But you are both fucking each other up."

Marcus clicks his tongue, but then shuts up. He lifts his hand and rubs his neck. "Was it worth it?" he asks, changing the subject. "Punching me."

Farley snorts. "I could've done better," he shrugs. "I was too emotional."

Marcus laughs. "Beer?"

"Sure. Why not."

And I watch how they descend the stairs, wondering if I would've dropped my popcorn, because this surely wasn't expected. If you're going to see an action movie, would you be pleased when the protagonist and antagonist just suddenly stop, shake hands and grab a cold one?

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