5 - bad boys crave attention like flowers need sunlight

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Chapter 5 – bad boys crave attention like flowers need sunlight

Even though it wasn't far away, it was raining there. It had been exactly a week since my last visit. I was hoping to see dark colours running around the stadium, but sadly I didn't spot anything navy as I walked up the stairs of the old bleachers.

I wondered whether they still sometimes used the old field, 'cause I almost related to the miserable ground. I had once been known at the school just like this field, loved and cherished and adored (that's a lie), but now I was forgotten and rusting.

Blowing out a puff of smoke the thought clouding my mind shifted and I felt my limbs melt, free from the pressure of high school.

It was almost magical in the faint rain, as was me trying not to get burned, even though my lungs did.

I still had about an hour before I had to get back and meet Heather. I bet she was looking forward to it, more than I was anyway. I leaned back on the bench and let my one foot stay on the ground. I was staring at the butt of the cigarette when I was interrupted by someone coughing in an attempt to clear their throat I guess.

My eyes lazily rolled to the right and I moved my head slightly to get a better look.

"It's gonna cost you this time," I said before the guy of my dreams could beg me for another cigarette. He lifted his eyebrow and smiled. "Or you can come back with your own pack and we could make it a thing."

He folded his arms. "Thing? I think it's already a thing."

His sweet voice rung in my ears and I thought I was going to faint.

I bit my lip, silently congratulating myself because he was flirting with me. I had definitely reached my goal of the week.

"If you say so." I dropped my arms and trailed my fingers on the cement. He sighed and climbed the steps until he reached me. He sat down on the lower bench, one foot on either side of it, and he leaned closed, placing his hands flat on the bench. "I'm still not giving you a cigarette."

He was smirking and I wondered whether he knew what his looks were doing to me. He was poison, and I loved it.

"And I am only using you to get out of gym." He ran his fingers through his dark hair, now wet from the rain. His shirt clung to his skin only a little, but enough so I would have to concentrate on anything else to distract myself.


"Told coach that there was this weird kid roaming around again and I would take care of it." He licked his lips.

(Stay strong and don't give him your cigarette!)

"Really? Who? Maybe I know him."

He chuckled and shook his head. And I knew that the glint in my eye was like the second sun. I was quite the competition to the mighty flame in the sky up there, except while the sun was hiding like a loser, I was here and embracing my radiance.

"No, seriously, what are you doing here?" He asked.

I thought of various things to tell him, like maybe that I was stalking him, but there was no way I was going to admit that. "Needed a break from the prison some call high school."

He lifted his eyebrows. "So you parked your car at another high school?"

Fuck, I should have come up with something more creative, like oh, I'm just visiting my girlfriend, doesn't she look great in those shorts, or I was told to spy on the enemy team. But even I wouldn't have believed those, I think.

"I used to go here," I admitted with a sigh. "Got kicked out."

"Tsk, tsk," he said as he slowly shook his head. "So you're one of those."

I threw the remaining of the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with the heel of my sneaker. "I'm the bad boy your parents warned you about," I nodded and sat up. "But you shouldn't worry if you're like me." I stood up and he did the same.

"Same time next week?" he asked before I turned to go, and I glanced over my shoulder and smiled.


Turned out that Heather was not glad to see me, but she was still giving me a lecture on how leaving the school grounds during the day were a very bad idea, strongly not recommended and firmly frowned upon, to which I shrugged in response.

"Have you decided?" She stopped pacing and returned with a bunch of papers she'd taken from the drawer.

"Well, to be honest, Heather," I started and tried to be as formal as possible in my posture and tone. "A week in the looney bin seems a bit better than a lifetime of regretting of being in a play." Sometimes I thought that Karen would have been a better name for her. Perhaps she was lying about who she really was, because she did have a very Karen face.

Heather sat down and the chair creaked. "I'll sign you up."

"Sure, take control."

She looked at me over her glasses. It was quite intimidating.

"When am I going to start this fun roller coaster ride?" I asked as I scratched the side on my nose with my index finger. It felt like I was going to sneeze, but turned out it was just another false alarm. "And how much is the ticket?"

"Well, it starts in two weeks," she said, going through papers. I really don't know why she had to do this all the time. Couldn't she wait until I left and then play with them?

I groaned, just for the fun (irritation) of it. It seemed to work, because Heather's right shoulder tensed.

"And while the school can offer some money, your father will have to step in too."

That was a definite no. I wasn't going to include my father.

"I'll get the money," I said hurriedly. "No worries. Just don't call my dad."

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