Chapter 2:

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New day,

"2 weeks passed from the new term actually it was boring,More boring without Paige..... at Class"Anne Thought.

Actually Anne thought about nothing from the beggining of the year except being with Paige,wondering what would they have done if they were at the same class,Or even spent more and more time together,Anne was surprised with her self,wondering why she has been thinking about Paige that badly !,Even at home she wasn't even able to study or remember anything from what she took.... except Paige !

She just decided to understand what was going on with herself by getting closer to Paige....And see how it is going to work out

There was no way to meet Paige at school except at the break time which was just 30 mins,And that didn't satisfy Anne !

So,Anne decided to meet up with her friends between each class near the bathroom where no teacher could catch them(it wasn't allowed to leave class between classes),They always broke the rules as usual,many of the girls actually did.

"God !,Today was such a silly day that I can't even return to that freaking class".Said Paige beside the Bathrooms.

"Hahahahha,Yeah neither do I,Just staying with you guys makes my day,but if we were caught now,we would get dumped".Said Anne.

"No,no don't worry,Me and Paige would just turn back to class before that mad teacher comes",Nina Said making the voice of the teacher.

"Guys come on hurry !,Mrs.Sini is going up the stairs and we would be screwed,let's turn back to our classes and we would just meet up at the break come on !"Rina Said.

"Alright,alright be careful"Anne Said.

"Alright"Paige said making eye contact with Anne and smiling .

When Anne got back to her class she was like delighted by that smile Paige Smiled to her and she kept thinking about her for a while,some of the mean girls at her class kept mocking her....

"Hey,hey see ? it's the drama queen finally happy,Hahahahah"Said one of the girls.

"And who is that drama queen you motherfucker"Anne Said.

"It's you freak,So did you get a new boyfriend or did you have your first kiss from an idiot like you" .

*Laughs* ,Anne left the class just full of tears...

It was break time,Paige finally appeared with Rina and Nina,Seeing Anne just sitting alone crying and these girls around her just laughing at how she looked,Omilia and Shinda also came near the crowd wondering what was going on,

Before anyone,Paige just came nearer to Anne hugging her....

"Oh,see we knew it now,Anne is flirting with Paige,They are lesbians babe ahahahahha"Said the mean girl.

"Repeat what you said ?!"Paige said angrily.

"See,She's defending her girlfriend everyone,See come on everyone come and see,COME ON"Said that mean girl raising her voice.

Before a word,Paige pulled her hair to the ground and they started to fight until the headmaster came and saw that fight happening,she gave everyone a detention except the girls who didn't belong to the fight and Anne.

At the end of the day,Anne waited for Paige infront of her class to thank her for what she did and to apologize for what happened to her because of her and how cruel that girl was with her,She felt sorry for making Paige receieve a detention for no reason of hers....After a while Paige came out from the class heading off to leave

"Paigeee!"Anne Called.

"Anne,I was worried about you ! Oh Lord !,Are you fine ? Did any of these bitches harm you ?"Paige Said.

"Oh,no not at all,after what you really did,Oh really I am sor..."Anne was about to continue when Paige stopped her.

"Anne don't apologize !!,Oh come on I'm your bestfriend I can't see these girls making fun of you and just bringing you down and just stand watching,what I did was nothing,Plus I don't care about the detention as long as you are fine"Paige said.

"Oh,Paige your words are going to make me drop..."Anne was about to cry when Paige just held her hands kissed it and wipped her tears,

They had to leave as it was time for returning back home.

From that moment,Anne understood what exactly she felt towards Paige...

Was that just a love between friends ?

Was that just a normal feeling towards her bestfriend ?

Was it normal to think about her bestfriend every second and just smile when she remembers her ?

What did she feel when she held her hands and kissed it ?

What did she feel when she defended her from these mean girls ?

The answer was that Anne was attracted to Paige....Was attracted to her as a lover not as just a friend or a bestfriend as she thought,Anne just kept thinking about Paige all the way back home,Kept talking with her teacher Mary about what she felt and how she loved Paige,She just can't wait for the day to pass to see Paige the next day,

Anne just fell in love with Paige......

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