Chapter 10:

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Sunday morning,Anne was supposed to go to school next day but her father was supposed to meet her today to talk with her,

She was in the car with her mother thinking about Paige,She sent her a message telling her I miss you Paige,I would pass by everything just to be with you...

Anne arrived at her father's place....

"get in Anne my dear..."Anne's dad said.

"so why did you wish to see me ?"Anne asked her dad.

"Is it wrong when I ask my daughter to come over so I could see her ?!"Anne's dad asked smiling.

"My dad ?!,And what dad would like to see his daughter when she was just kicked from school for 2 days ?!"Anne asked.

"No dad hates his daughter Anne,Not because me and your mother aren't together anymore that means that we can't be friends,Plus the fact that you are my daughter can not be hidden Anne,You are my daughter and I love you,I didn't ask your mother to come to see you today because you are wrong....NO !,It's because I miss my pretty young girl"Anne's dad said.

"Well,Your pretty young lady now grew up!,She's not young anymore,she's passing by many shit in her life,And know what ?! you are the reasons for that shit ! And don't ever think that I would forgive you for giving up on me,And for your little sons,They aren't my brothers and they would never be ! I don't have any siblings and please don't ask my mother again that I would come meet you,If you want something from me you can ask me ! and now I have to go"Anne said leaving her dad's office.

She walked infront of his place while crying,She kept running all the road until she reached her house she locked herself inside her room,She talked with Mary on the phone and she told her she just can't take it anymore and that she needed to talk with her badly.

Next day at the school bus....

"Marry I just need you..."Anne said crying in Mary's lap.

"What's wrong dear ?!!"Mary Asked.

"It's all about me loving Paige...I just don't feel comfortable...Everything is being crap,everything is being bad and shit and I just can't handle that shit anymore...I need you Marry !!"Anne said.

"Anne,Don't say so sweety,Nothing is shit when God is beside you,If you just asked for his help he would help you,if you just raised your hands he would hear from you...And about Paige,If she loves you she would stay with you no matter what....You love her but take care,that kind of love isn't normal....You would get hurt ! watch it Anne !"Mary Said.

When Anne arrived to school.

Rina was waiting for her,She hugged her tightly telling her that they all missed her....

"School without you was crap Anne,Total shit"Andy said hugging Anne.

"Thank you girls me too,But where is Paige ?"Anne asked.

"Paige,didn't come to school since you recieved the detention and also today,we thought you knew what was wrong"Nina said surprised.

"I'm gonna call her."Omilia said.

Omilia tried to call her but the phone was switched off.

"Her phone is switched off.....That's creepy actually"Omilia said.

"Don't worry Anne we will know what's wrong when she comes."Rina said.

Genna,Anne's friend passed by,she asked Anne why she hasn't been to school for 2 days and they had a little chat...

"Were you sleeping over with Paige ?"Genna asked wickedly.

"No Genna,We weren't I just recieved a detention"Anne said.

"I know it,It was for the sake of Paige,I know you love her and you are a lesbian anyways I won't tell anyone I promise if you just tell me..."Genna said.

"Genna I know that you hate Paige so much and you wish to hold on her anything,And no we aren't lesbians I just love her,So do you have a problem with it GENNA ?!"Anne asked angrily.

"Anne,is there is something wrong ?!"Rina passed by asking.

"No nothing is wrong let's go Rina."Anne said,"I used to love Genna so much and she dumped me many of the times just for her sake as she is just selfish and now she just wanna get closer to me because I was the one to dump her now...."Anne said.

"Anne,I need to know what is going on between you and Paige....Anne I'm your bestfriend,whatever happened I will always be by your side and I would never ever ever leave you !!"Rina said.

"Wanna know what's wrong Rina ?!"Anne asked.

"Yes !!"Rina said.

"Okay,Me and Paige kissed the day I recieved the detention !,I'm inlove with Paige,Rina"Anne said.

"You what ??!!,OMG.....I felt it but I wished it wasn't true....."Rina said.

"I knew that you felt it and that's why I decided to tell you I know that you love me no matter what,And I'll always be the same to you no matter what,Please keep it between us don't even let Paige know that I told you...I'm still who I am,Anne who you love, your bestfriend, and your friend who really cares about you Rina"Anne said.

"Anne......I felt it too btw,I saw you and Paige kissing...."Andy approached.

"What ?! and why you didn't tell me you knew it ?!"Anne asked.

"I knew it that you loved Paige it was too obvious for me and everything was too clear,It's okay to love but choose the right person to love Anne!,she isn't your type,nor your Religion,and she's your same gender !!!!"Andy said.

"Well,I love Paige...Wanna stay with me you two,Fine..... don't want then it's okay,But me leaving Paige won't happen !,Got it ?!"Anne said leaving them.

"What are we gonna do now ?!"Andy asked Rina.

"Are you kidding ?!,I would never ever leave Anne,Andy She is my bestfriend !,I know Paige's mind !,Anne just loves her so much,We must be with her and show her that that didn't affect us,Are you with me or not ?!"Rina asked.

"Yes I am....We should tell no one I guess"Andy said.

"Of course we won't...."Rina said....

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