Chapter 16:

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First days of exams....All the girls were worried and just wished anything would happen so the exam would be canceled....

Anne kept searching for Paige all over the school....She found her standing with a girl called Hila,Anne really hated her and Paige knows that...

"Paige,I need to talk with you for a miniute..."Anne said.

"Babe,Are you now okay ?!"Paige said hugging Anne but Anne didn't hug her back and she suddenly cried.

"Oh my God !! what's wrong again ?!,Is it about me going to the IGCSE ?!,I swear I would just be closer and closer to you don't worry !! or is it because of the exam don't you worr...."Paige said who was stopped by Anne.

"ENOUGH Paige !!,I don't deserve it !!"Anne said pushing Paige.

"What's wrong with you ?!!"Paige asked very surprised.

Andy and Rina came running they tried to comfort Anne but Anne then started to talk....

"Paige....You know that I love you....But you just don't love me the way I love just loved me because I loved you !,Not because you wanted to !!!"Anne said.

"Anne !!!"Paige said trying to sht up Anne as Rina and Andy were standing...

"We know what's between both of you...."Rina said.

"What ??!!!!!,How did ..."Paige was about to freak out when Andy said....

"Well,It was to obvious,Plus Anne told us the day she loved you !,And it's okay we just accept you as how you are ! don't freak out !"Andy said.

"I don't care about anything of that now !!,Me and Genna just kissed and I swear to God I didn't want any of that crap to happen I swear to God I didn't...."Anne said starting to weep.

Paige just stood surprised for a minuite,she saw Genna passing by with her bestfriend....

"BITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Paige said running to Genna and she faught her the girls gathered around them trying to stop them but they weren't able to stop Paige....

It was exam time,Anne was shaking !,She wasn't able to answer she knew that Paige would just recieve "F"

She suddenly stood up ran to Paige at her class...

"Mrs.Lina....I need Paige for a second please !"Anne said.

"Is it important ?!"Mrs.Lina asked.

"Yeah,badly !.."Anne said.

Suddenly Paige said it wasn't....!! and she didn't move from her place not even looked at Anne...

All the class just kept talking about it but Paige suddenly grabbed Anne and asked her what she wanted and she closed the door behind her....

"I just can't even answer !!,I can't think about anything except you !!!,You are my life Paige !!!"Anne said holding Paige's hands.

"Stop !!!,That was what Mark and Marious even Louis said !,And they hurt me and cheated on me the same you did !I thought you were different but it just appeared out that you are just the same as how they are !!"Paige said crying.

"But Paige I'm not like them !!,I can kill myself for you !,I didn't know you would fight Genna for my sake !,I didn't know how much you loved me it's just you want to leave me and go another place....."Anne said.

"You know what ?!,I'm tired of you Anne !,very tired !!,And now I have to return back for my exam !!"Paige said rushing to her class.

Anne just turned back and kept on crying and at the break time she sat alone,

Paige approached telling Anne that she did well in the test and that she was jealous about what happened with that Genna she told her she wasn't angry she just asked her not to talk with Genna anymore...

Anne smilied and kissed her but to their shitty luck something happened which was about to change their life.....

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