Chapter 1:

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At a girls school(Lowood),

Where rules were cruel,strict and hard.....Everyone enjoyed themselves on their own way.

There was a mixed school infront of that girls school which was called(RBS),Of course as all teens know how girls react when they see a boy,"Oh Lord he's too sexy" ,Most of the girls at Lowood did the same when they saw a sexy boy passing In RBS(they saw the school from a window which shows the RBS).

There was a weird girl at Lowood which everyone thought her to be abnormal,weird and awkward,Called Annemarie,Most of the people disliked her as they thought she was a drama queen.

She had just some close friends who were really her BESTFRIENDS,She just loved them,trusted them and stayed with them the most of the time at school at break times,between classes and even at the end of the day,

Anne was a 16 years-old teen who was too senstive,No one actually understood what she wanted easily,she gets effected in no time,but these friends she had really cared about her and were always with her no matter what,even when people called her a drama queen or weird they just stuck to her more and more and made her feel the best when people made her feel the worst.She had a very bad luck with her family....Her parents divorced when she was just a little baby just 1 year old....Her mother raised her up,and she saw her dad every month,But honestly she disliked him the most,He was a snob,selfish and only cared about his happiness and freedom,He was a police man who got married after the divorce,within 3 months,and the mother got married after a year from the divorce,A man which Anne also hated so much at her teenage.

Anne,really loved her mother a lot and she was too close to her Grandparents and Uncles ,Actually her mother,grandparents,and her bestfriends represented her life.....Most of her close friends were Called Paige,Rina And Andy. 

Paige had many boyfriends and many hurts in her life which actually got her to look older than how she looked like,she was too close to Anne like more even than bestfriends.

Rina was always beside Anne and actually the most one truly loved her from her friends and cared about her she was more like a mother to her who always wanted to see her happy and laughing.

Andy had some distance from Anne for a time but actually Andy was the most kind one from them all and really cared too much about her friends and was ready to do anything for them,

These girls were like kinda away from the rest of the school,as all people at school were always flirting with boys or just doing some silly actions to attarct boys next school,

The first day of the new term,They always used to meet at a certian place at school called Dales Hall....Talk about what to do that new year and how to start that year with new ideas.

So at the begging of the new year which was the beggining of grade 8

The principal ordered every girl at school to go to the chapel where she can tell them about the new rules and about how that year is going to move on....Well Anne and her friends just sat beside each other hearing these silly rules of every year and waited to hear their classes,

Well everyone was at a class and that really annoyed Anne,She wished to be whether with Paige or Rina, (Andy was in another departement,The IGCSE) 

Well actually Anne was just too way sad to talk, the whole day thinking about the classes arrangement and how badly she wished she was with Paige especially.

And now the year starts......

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