Chapter 18:

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Last Exam's bells rang...annoucing that the exam was about to start after 40 minutes

Anne didn't appear during the 40 minutes...her friends didn't see her since that day she fainted...

"Rina...Can I talk to you for a minute?"Paige said to Anne who was already mad at Paige.

"No you can't you know why ?,because you were the one who hurt my bestfriend,the one who turned her to be a bitchie lesbian,the one who made her hate her life and make her aparted from her friends ! all beause of you !! now what you want ?, kill her ????!"Rina said really angry.

"I really love Anne....Rina you know that I do...she was the one who made me feel that I'm alive,the one who made me know the meaning of love...she was even the only person who stood infront of that Mark and Louis to defend me from their evil plays,But I know that she is going to get hurt next year...everything will change,she won't see me as she used to,she won't be able to kiss me as we used to....I don't think about anything except how to be with her Rina,Believe it or not I love her,I know that you don't love me even a percent but if you love her just please calm her down and tell her that I'm sorry for what I did...But I really never meant to hurt the one who made my life better...I love her Rina...I do..."Paige said weeping leaving Rina who was standing really sad thinking about what she is going to do with Rina who was already failing in her exams because of Paige

Genna was walking with her bestfriend and she saw Rina crying

"What's wrong Rina ?"Genna asked surprised."Genna I know that Anne really loves you a lot,I guess you know what's between her and Paige..."Rina said.

"Yes I do,but why ?"Genna asked.

"Anne really used to love you a lot,trust you and hve you as her bestfriend....she is hurt and she needs us around her if you don't mind it..."Rina said.

"Rina,I already have a boyfriend whom I really love a lot..."Genna said.

"No you wronged me...I mean we both are the most closer to her...we need to support her and I need you to get her out of the mood she is in"Rina said.

"I always warned her to stay away from that Paige she knows I always told her that she was a bitch that would hurt her but she never listened to me...anyways Rina just calm down,she will be fine and I will help her I promise....I too love her maybe I was a little bitchie with her but she's still my friend...Hahahahah catch up with ya later hunn"Genna said hugging Rina and rushed to her  bestfriend.

Anne was sitting alone when Andy and the others approched to her

"WHY ARE YOU SITTING ALONE YOU SEXY LADY"They sceamed to her ears and kept singing and having fun after the exam was over,they all sat together arranging for a hangout so that they would have fun and forget about school days and the hard times...but to Anne it wasn't a hard her these days were the best and the coming ones were the ones who were going to be hard but she decided to live her life as long as Paige is still in it....Yes it was hard for her to forget their days...but she decided to get over her hurt and have new crazy life....

School was over....And after 2 weeks was their first hangout all together

Before leaving school,Anne rushed to Paige's bus before leaving

"Paigeeee"She shouted so that Paige would hear her....

"Yes ???"Paige said going down hugging Anne and crying

"You know that I love you right ?"Anne said still hugging Paige and crying

"And you know that I'm losing myself because of my love to you.."Paige said.

"Promise me you will never leave me..."Anne said

"As long as I'm breathing your love and you are here in my life...I will always keep loving you...I will always be with you no matter what...together we are going to fight the whole world"Paige said kissing Anne...

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