Chapter 4:

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"My mum accepted me to go to the trip yaaaaaay!!"Paige said.

"Me too!!"(Omilia,Shinda,Nina,Andy)Said.

"Anne,What about you ?"Paige asked nervously.

"I'm sorry guys,but my mother actually refused..."Anne Said.

"SHIT!,Look you have 1 day left for the trip,convince her and tell her that we are all going,come on please,there won't be a trip without you"Paige said.

When the day was over and Anne got home,She had a conversation with her mother about the trip,her mother promised her to think about it once again.

Anne opened her facebook she found a message from a friend of hers called Henna(they used to be very close friends but got aparted for some time)

"Anne,I was wondering if you would come to the trip,it would really be amazing if you came and we would all have fun"Henna.

"I'm sorry Henna,But till now my mum is thinking about it and I don't think I would be going"Anne.

"Opps,I just wish that you would come"Henna.

1 hour passed....

Anne,was thinking about Paige's words,Touches,Smiles......EVERYTHING!

Anne searched the web for lesbian movies to see,She saw some of them and while she was watching she felt something like her feelings were moving on.....Like she felt something for the first time of her life....She decided to try to show Paige how she felt towards her,But the question was how to show her how she loved her ?!

Paige (as Anne thought was straight girl who loved a boy called Mark) She is Anne's bestfriend !,How will she accept it ?,Does she has the same feelings towards Anne?

Many questions revolved around Anne's mind,She kept talking with Paige all the night on the phone,She was just feeling that everything around her was talking about LOVE when she was talking with Paige,Anne never imagined that she would fall in love with her bestfriend !,She just wanted nothing from the world except being with Paige,Cuddle her,Kiss her.....

Anne now knew why she was never attracted to any of the boys of the RBS like any girl at school was,It was because she is a lesbian,Or more likely attracted to just one person from the beggining.....Paige was that girl......

Next day,

At the bus-

"So how is Paige ?"Miss Marry asked Anne.

"Oh,she's fine..."Anne said.

"I don't mean how is she,I mean how are you both together ?"Miss Marry Said.

"I don't know what is that called but I think I really love her a lot !"Anne Said.

"Of course,she is your bestfriend.....,isn't she ?"Miss Marry Said.

"My bestfriend ?......Yes she is"Anne Said wondering about the suitable answer for that question she found no answer except that one.....

And finally at school at Dales....

"Guys come around I would like to tell you about something"Anne said raising her voice.

*Her friends surrounded her*

"Actually my mother......"Anne Said.

"Refused ???!!"Paige said.

"Accepted ?!"Henna Said.

"She......"Anne Said.

"Come on say it"Andy Said.

"She ACCEPTED !!"Anne Said.

Paige just screamed out saying Wohoooo and hugged Anne,The girls were just too happy waiting for that day to approach,There were laughs,smiles,murmers and Crazy actions......

 Everyone was simply happy...

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