Chapter 9:

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The monthly test,

everyone was worried and nervous,The girls felt horrible and exhausted,everyone was actually wondering if they would pass that test of not...

"What the fuck was that ?!"Nina said seeing her friends in the corridor very angry.

"Sweety that was called SHIT!"Shinda said even more angry.

"No,!! Girls it was too easy and amazing,I just solved it and even had some time to revise it"Omilia said,she was the nerdy one of them.

"I would kill you Omilia,You are our nerdy we know it,Come on let me kill you nihahahhaha"Said Rina laughing trying to stand over Omilia.And after some laughings,Came Paige asking about Anne,They said they didn't see her,Anne was drawing in the big garden sitting alone.

"Psss"Paige passed by Anne,Sitting beside her saying no word and just looking in her eyes,Anne,She stopped Anne from drawing,

"What are you doing ?"Paige asked.

"Drawing as you see Paige."Anne said.

"Anne why are you treating me so roughly ?!,Is it about your gay thing ?"Paige asked.

"No It's not just about that Paige...,It's just....."Anne said.

"Even if, whatever was the reason,I won't just leave you for your gay feelings,It's okay and I understand you,Still can't find a reason for you  treating me in such a hard way"Paige said.

"Okay Paige,wanna know who is the girl i'm in love with ?!"Anne said holding Paige's hands and looking into her eyes

Paige felt worried and nervous trying to find an excuse so that she would leave...,Anne suddenly stood up,And took her into one of the busses of the school in the Parking of the school

"Okay,Paige....That girl is..."Anne said Stopped by Paige who was too nervous 

"Anne enough please"Paige said unable to speak.

Anne suddenly pushed Paige to a chair and held her hair softly,

"It's all about you Paige,Just you,You just made me lose my mind,my self,everything,It's you Paige !"

Paige tried to speak but Anne stopped her by kissing her,They kissed for 5 mins and it was time to get back to classes.

While they were getting back,Anne didn't say a word she was shocked by what she did,Paige held her hands and her chest telling her....

"Anne by the way I had the same feelings towards you...I just didn't know how to show it and it's okay,I just love you so much and there is no need to hide it,If you just told me earlier it would've been better,Anne you are the most one who ever has ever loved me,the most one who ever cared about me and the one who made me feel that my feelings were true and not fake as everyone made me feel so...Marious or Mark or Even Louis....."She kept telling her stories about Mark and Louis,And told her the diffrence of what she felt with them and with her....

"Paige,do you have any idea of what I felt the past days ?,I felt I was in love unable to speak about it,Felt that I was doing a crime,Something like a sin,Something that if someone knew I would actually be doomed,Loving you made me wonder,Why will I want to see you badly ?!,Why will I be the one caring and feeling strange feeling towards you never felt towards any of the others from Henna,Rina,Andy or whatever !,You just made me feel that life is here !,Life is okay,Life is ALIVE !,From the moment you talked about Mark and seeing you how you loved him it killed me,or when I just hugged you until you slept in my lap at the bus after the trip,That affected me, honestly I prefered it was bed...."Anne said about to laugh,and on their way back to class they met the principal,

"Girls you are late for class !,Where were you ?"The principal asked angrily raising her voice.

"Some of the girls came to see what was going on

Anne saying,still holding Paige's hands..."Sorry I was just in a mess at one of the busses my books feel over and Paige came to help me".

"When you are talking stand your hands by your side ! And leave your friend's hands"The principal shouted.

"Why will I even try to leave her hands ma'am"Anne said in a very cold way.

Paige tried to take of her hands as to avoid problems but Anne just kept holding them tightly 

"Paige I won't leave your hands got it ?"Anne said still standing infront of the Principal.

"There is no reason for me to leave your hands,And if she wants me to leave your hand then she must give me a reason"Anne said.

"Mrs Britt,I'm sorry actually it's my fault I was the one who made her late can you please excuse us this time ?"Paige asked Willing that the Principal would let go of them both.

"Paige,you can go now,But Anne !,Let your parents know that I need to see them tomorrow!,Now go back to your classes"The Principal said.

"What that shit you were trying to do Anne !? what was they wholly crap you did ?!"Rina said too angry.

"Why,What did I do ?!"Anne asked so coldly.

"Can't you see yourself ?!,You don't see what you are even doing ?!,Now I'll ask you and you must answer me so honestly!,What were you doing in the bus with Paige, Anne !?,What is going on between both of you ! ANSWER ME"Rina said about to pump out.

"Rina,Let go of her now she is crazy,Let her just calm down and get back and try to understand what is going on,not now please"Andy said taking off with Rina.

Anne found herself standing in the corridor alone,Wondering what she has done today,How did she just do that, kiss Paige,How did she talk to the prinicpal in that way,What would she tell her mother ?!,How will she just fix what's going on with her friends...Everything was just shit.....

When she got back home she talked to one of her friends called David,she used to have a crush on him from a year but right now he was more likely a brother to her,

She told him about how she was losing her friends and how she was talking with her friends,she cried and he tried to calm her down telling her eveyrthing would just be okay and it's better to go tell your mother about what happened today.

When she closed the phone with him she went to her mother's room,That day the step father was there,She was just too worried about her mother's reaction,

"Mum can I talk with you about an important thing ?!"Anne asked.

"Why dont you tell you dad sweety ?"Her mother asked

"Mum I told you a thousand times he isn't my dad !!"Anne said raising her voice.

"Anne,Did you turn crazy or something !,What that shit are you trying to do you silly girl ?!"Her mother said.

"Okay mother,I recieved a detention from school and the principal would like to meet you,fine now ?!"Anne said.

"Detention ?!!!"Anne's mother said shouting.

Her step father came trying to know what was going on...

"Oh God,all that beacause of the nasty girl she walks with at school,I told you Jane that Paige would bring her troubles I told you"Her step father said.

"How dare you talk about Paige you fool ?!!,Have you lost your mind ??!!"Anne said shouting to him.

Anne's mother just hit her and they faught all night,Anne got grounded,Next day her mother went to the school apologizing for what her daughter did at school,She took 2 days off...

Anne's mother just felt like she wanted to kill her daughter that day and wondering what was wrong and how did she defend Paige in that way aganist her parents ! She called her Real Dad on the phone asking him to tell Anne that he wanted to see her....

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