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Days passed with Anne's love to Paige

They lived a great love story....

Until Paige just gave up on Anne....

She was a weak person....Her love to Anne was strong but still her love to herself was stronger....

Anne was about to do anything for Paige's love and care but Paige just gave up too soon....

One day,

Anne just faced Paige because Paige's attitude has changed

"Just tell me if you loved me Paige !,we've been great for a year ! and everything was great until yesterday...."Anne said.

"Anne.....I don't know how to start,loving you was the greatest thing that ever happened to me....But that will never work...I mean where's our future ?.....where do you see us 10 years from now ?"
Paige said.

"Well.....I....I see us happy ever after laughing,dancing,loving each other and just having fun !...isn't that enought ?!"Anne asked weeping.....

"No that's not enough......We will never show up and say HEY EVERYONE WE'RE INLOVE.....It's not just gonna ever happen.....besides I see my future wearing my veil....beside me the one that would make me have kids.....make my mother proud of me and have a place like a WOMAN...."Paige said.

"But I love you...."Anne said crying holding Paige's hands

"Don't make it more hard on me please....You don't know how this is killing me....But I have to let go....You just need to know that loving you is all what I asked for....the days we spent together were the best days I've ever spent....I'll wish for nothing else except being with you.....Anne put in mind....Paige loves you...but that will never ever happen......"Paige said kissing Anne.....

2 months later.....

Paige just left town with her mother...her mother always wanted to leave but Paige never accepted as not to leave Anne ....But after their breakup they just left

Anne just tried moving on with her life....but it was like impossible for her to....

She left a message explaning to her mother how she loved her and told her everything she has been passing through....

After a long depression Anne was found laying on bed dead....wrote on her hand..."Paige I will always love you...."

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