Chapter 20:

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"Welcome everyone to the new year,I hope you enjoyed your vacation,no other times for playing and joking,Hahahahha just kidding"The Principle says,no one actually laughs as usual,they thought she was silly,

"Now everyone to Dales Hall to listen to their classes,good luck.."She continues...

"Girls I miss you so much !!!"Omilia said rushing to her friends.

"Oh Omiliaa I miss you more"Nina said hugging Omilia.

"So how are you all ?"Rina asked.

"Fine"they all answer laughing except Anne who was standing still looking at the IG departement,

"Anne ?"Rina starts but Anne doesn't answer her,

"ANNE !!!"they shout to Anne,

"Yes ?"Anne says who looks disturbed.

"Is it Paige ?"Nina asked.

"No...let's just go to Dales Hall to listen to our classes"Anne said,wishing she becomes with Rina at class....Last year Paige was with them,she was totally she isn't...she weeped and tried to stop but she wasn't able to...Rina noticed

"Anne,we will be together,just pray..."Rina said.

"I really hope so..."Anne said holding Rina's hands so roughly that Rina tried to calm her down a little bit

At the end Rina appeared to be with Genna in class,Anne became with Nina and Henna

But Omilia and Shinda were in different classes,

Anne wasn't happy,but at least she had 2 of her friends with her in the class,she sat beside Nina in a place next to the one knew why...but later on the reason was clear,

A week passed without even talking to Paige,even when she saw her at school they didn't talk...until one day Paige came to talk to Andy,telling her to find a way to talk to Anne

So one day after classes,Paige was waiting for Anne,Anne was shocked,

"Hey.."Paige started.

"Hi..."Anne replied.

"Can I have you for a minute please ?"Paige asked.

"Yup sure.."Anne said.

"Look,Anne....I just really want to be friends with you and you don't really talk to me anymore....I don't know why is that,but what I know that I don't really want to loose you please !"Paige said.

"You already didn't loose me Paige...And don't worry we're friends and fine with it..but that will never deny the fact that I'm inlove with one will ever deny it Paige..."Anne said.

"Anne look..."Paige started holding Anne's Hands.,"My life is turning upside down,I don't know why is that but when you aren't in my life I am more depressed and sad....just if you please understand my point and what I want you to know is just please know well that I am also inlove with you...but that will never happen again Anne..."

"And if that would never happen again so I guess it's better for us just to have some distance because I can't act treating you as just a friend Paige..."Anne said kissing Paige on her cheeks and leaving,

Anne told Rina what happened,Rina was annoyed,she was happy that Anne was starting to forget about Paige and live her life normally without anyone messing it up,But she promised Anne that she would stay with her and support her whatever she wanted to do

Even Henna,Got closer to them once more and she sat with them daily,Was happy that she returned back to her old friends,Also Paige at the breaks met with them,She was really feeling annoyed treating Anne as just a friend but she tried her best and her best to forget about their relation and failed....

Anne was in the bus with Genna,They became bestfriends,Genna was now happy with a boyfriend she had,Anne told her eveyrthing about her relation with Paige and Genna promised she would help her in anything she needed

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